Vick's dogfighting going Federal...

thats the difference between his federal prosecution and conviction, and a smaller state conviction or involvement sentence.
seems that some think Vick is being targeted because he is black...
informant's information that as many as 30 dogs were buried on the property. The warrant never was executed because Poindexter had issues with the way it was worded. He said another was in the works.
No more.
"If they've made a judgment that we're not acting prudently and with dispatch based on what we have, they've not acting very wisely," Poindexter said.
Before the events of Thursday, Poindexter said the investigative team was planning to meet soon to go over the evidence it has collected, to assess its reliability and make sure it had all the experts needed to help make its next search most helpful to the investigation.
Now, the case has gotten bigger again, and it's somebody else's.
"There's a larger thing here, and it has nothing to do with any breach of protocol," Poindexter said, still trying to rationalize where the federal government fits in. "There's something awful going on here. I don't know if it's racial. I don't know what it is."
Vick and Poindexter are black

It was during an April 25 drug raid on the home that authorities seized 66 dogs, including 55 pit bulls, and equipment that told investigators they'd uncovered a dog-fighting operation.
A search warrant affidavit said some of the dogs were tethered with "heavy logging-type chains" attached to car axles that allowed the dogs to get close to each other, but not to have contact, one of myriad findings on the property that suggested a dog-fighting operation.
Other items included a rape stand, used to hold non-receptive dogs in place for mating; an electric treadmill modified to be used by dogs; a "pry bar" used to open the clamped-down mouths of dogs; and a bloodied piece of carpeting the authorities believe was used in dog fights.
Poindexter said that during his own inspection of the property and its several outbuildings, he saw a floor in one building stained with what appeared to be spattered blood.

how many people have heard of a RAPE STAND?

I recently had a HUMAN rape trial, but I can tell you that having to sit in front of a jury while the assist. US Attorney describe what a RAPE STAND is used for it going to be an UPHILL BATTLE.

Vick may do time for this case. If they can tie in gambling, racketeering, and etc then they will get into that "organized crime" sentencing and that can be some HEAVY stuff.

Just ask the ATL mayor if you think the feds don't swing a big bat, and they didn't have dog carcasses in his back yard.
law_bee said:
seems that some think Vick is being targeted because he is black...

how many people have heard of a RAPE STAND?

I recently had a HUMAN rape trial, but I can tell you that having to sit in front of a jury while the assist. US Attorney describe what a RAPE STAND is used for it going to be an UPHILL BATTLE.

Vick may do time for this case. If they can tie in gambling, racketeering, and etc then they will get into that "organized crime" sentencing and that can be some HEAVY stuff.

Just ask the ATL mayor if you think the feds don't swing a big bat, and they didn't have dog carcasses in his back yard.
I'm starting to think that Poindexter had something to gain by taking his time & avoiding charges against Vick. Maybe the feds should start looking at him, too. And not because he happens to be black.
law_bee how many people have heard of a RAPE STAND? I recently had a HUMAN rape trial said:
Yeah, that's absurd. Even though I think Vick probably is guilty, the "rape stand" thing is a joke...
If raping animals is a crime shouldn't half of UGAg's fanbase be in the pen?
If any of this is true (and it sounds a little like bs to me)
Mike Vick and his whole family, whoever, should fry. My best buddy groing up was an ex fighting mutt. You could tell from the scars. Pit Bull mutt. Best, most faithful and loving dog I've ever known.

I would personally put a bullet through any of these moron's heads that train and force these dogs to fight.. It is wrong!
I helped on the Felony Animal Law when written for the State of GA. The Dog Fighers were already out of the picture, the Cock Fighters wanted their "Sport" held out of the Law. The word was for those guys was to go home and stop breeding peole like you.

I would love for HSUS and PETA to get on the band wagon aganist Vick. As a hunter, I really dislike those 2 groups, but for Vick and that group that would be fair. The problem is they Antis (anicmal rights groups) would get the publicity and more money for their cause. Vick could not handle those 2 groups, their media package and public relations staff.
pics of a "rape" stand...



If you breed long enough you are going to come up against a female who simply will not stand for a male. This is a frustrating situation if you know the bitch is ready to breed. Some bitches are just spoiled and will not tolerate a male, while others cannot support the weight of a male when he mounts her. Whatever the reason, it's a real problem if it results in you not getting a bitch bred.
A nice solution is the breeding stand similar to what you see in the above photo. This is a simple homemade affair. It has a "U" shaped piece of steel that the bitch rests her hips on. She can even be strapped on the rest so she cannot jump off. If you look you can see that rubber padding has been taped to the metal.
The rest is welded to a pipe, which slides up and down inside a larger pipe. The height is adjusted by slipping a cotter pin in holes drilled through both pipes.
The larger outer pipe is welded to a flat piece of steel, which is bolted to a piece of plywood.
I have even used this system when doing an artificial insemination. It anchors the female in one location so the male can stand behind her with his nose in the appropriate place so you can concentrate on the collection process.

isn't this lyrics to a rap song?