Victory Cartoon - Mercer Edition

Wreck Em

Sep 3, 2010
Here's an illustration I made yesterday. Done with acrylics and a ballpoint pen. GO JACKETS!
Awesome, but no signature? How do we know you did it
Awesome, but no signature? How do we know you did it
Yikes, thanks for the heads up. I edit the lighting on photoshop and I must have whited that part out. Well here's the original, lol. Won't make that mistake in the next one.
I'd love to see you do some of these for the some of the famous victories we've had over the years... FSU last year, FSU 2009 with the Cooper Taylor fumble recovery, UGA '08 & '14, winning the ACC Championship over Clemson, Calvin game winning catch vs Clemson in '04, etc... I'd frame those and put those on the wall at home!
Looks like the cover art for the game programs of the '80's. Who was that artist? He would sign them and put "Grady Hope" on there, too.
I'd love to see you do some of these for the some of the famous victories we've had over the years... FSU last year, FSU 2008 with the Cooper Taylor fumble recovery, UGA '08 & '14, winning the ACC Championship over Clemson, Calvin game winning catch vs Clemson in '04, etc... I'd frame those and put those on the wall at home!
FTFY - Cooper was 08.

Agreed, especially the FSU victory last year. While we're making requests, maybe the '09 win in Tally as GT's only win in Tally, beating Bowden, and Nesbitt stealing the fumble. Those would look good on my walls here.
Looks like the cover art for the game programs of the '80's. Who was that artist? He would sign them and put "Grady Hope" on there, too.

Yeah ur right, I still have a bunch of mine saved in a box! One in particular is from the GT/Auburn game from 85, first time I saw Bo Jackson going running down the field for a TD I knew he was gonna be a star!
FTFY - Cooper was 08.

Agreed, especially the FSU victory last year. While we're making requests, maybe the '09 win in Tally as GT's only win in Tally, beating Bowden, and Nesbitt stealing the fumble. Those would look good on my walls here.
Damn, I'm getting old. Has it really been 8 years?!
Looks like the cover art for the game programs of the '80's. Who was that artist? He would sign them and put "Grady Hope" on there, too.
I consider that a major compliment! The artist of those was Mike Lester, and it's his style that I've adopted the past few years. There's a Facebook page that has all except maybe 2 pieces of his Tech art!