Vince the Prince said GT would have won...


Aug 31, 2005
Dooley said (on 790AM this afternoon)that GT would have beaten the nad lickers if GT would have lost the Miammaa game. He said that win was a real wake up call for the bullgags and made them prepare and play harder than they would have otherewise. He said it made the difference in the game.

He failed to mention Leonard Pope's functional illiteracy and 3.81 gpa...
My friend from UGA said their own fans make fun of Pope too...
"Pope hungry!"
"Pope like football!"

"University" my Ass
Did he mention anything about having Reggie Ball under center, as a possible reason for our last two disappoinments vs. the Dawgs?
Vince didn't talk about Reggie but he did say that he would have called 3 or 4 plays other than the button hook to Bilbo (that was intercepted at the end of the game). Vince said he would have tried to get it into Calvin's hands
Yes he did. Vince made some silly analogy to a guy by the name of Herschel Walker. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif I hate it when VD is right.
Vince is wrong

Calvin had double coverage.

Bilbo has single coverage by a guy that he outweighs by 30 pounds. If he catches the ball, he has a good chance of dragging the guy into the end zone. If the DB makes the tackle, it is second and short, and then you have multiple options.

The call was a good one. However, as we have seen for awhile, the execution in the passing game was poor. The execution may have been just as poor with a pass aimed at Calvin.
Re: Vince is wrong

Jacketup: Take another look at your tape of the game. Calvin was not doubled. He ran (I use that word loosely - he wasn't running hard) a slant and was open. His DB was on the goal line at the snap and drifted 2 yards deep just after. The safety was well into the end zone. A quick throw to CJ on the slant would have gotten no worse than the 3 yard line.
Re: Vince is wrong

Like throwing to CJ at the goal line with 4 defenders within a step of him? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Vince is wrong

Regarding the pass into 4-coverage that drew the pass interference (Might have been posted already, not sure): At the game I though CJ was in the end zone. But after looking at the tape, it was obvious he was at the 1 (or just inside of the 1). If he is 1 yard deeper and is in the end zone when he is mauled, we have 1st and Goal from the 2 in stead of the ~11/12. Not being critical, just observing - game of inches indeed.
I haven't read any articles by Vince Dooley but according to what I've read on this thread, I'm surprised that VD (hey, that's a nice initial for a dog, VD) would state what he would or would not do in our circumstances. That appears to be second guessing our coach and we don't need that from VD. He's got his own problems to contend with over there in the flea bed. We'll get ours straightened out ourselves.
When VD gave his opinion on the play calling at the end of the game, he said that since he is now part of the media (implying that he is no longer officially affiliated with the tail sniffers)he guessed he could also 'monday morning quarterback'. The 'Two Live Stews' said they would have lobbed the ball four straight times to Calvin in the endzone when GT had the ball first down on the UGAg 12 at the end of the game.

VD said that was one way to get the ball to Calvin but he could think of three or four other plays that he would have called in order to get it into Calvin's hands...
Maybe, just maybe, a student athlete chose who to throw to and the play calling had nothing to do with the decisions made at the line or in the pocket.
And you my friend may just be right on bullseye target!! I've suspicioned the same thing also.
Maybe, just maybe, a student athlete chose who to throw to and the play calling had nothing to do with the decisions made at the line or in the pocket.

[/ QUOTE ]

No question about it. IF a college quarterback was given only one receiver option from his coaches, in that situation, it would be unheard of.

It looks different on television, but when viewing it live its easy for me to see that RB has his mind made up well before the snap. I don't think that was lost on Tim Jennings either.
I was on the other end of the field and couldn't tell live (re: Ball's intentions). But watching the tape - I'm with you. His mind was settled pre-snap - which baffles me when you look at how deep the DB was playing off of CJ. The quick hit to CJ would have had no chance of being picked off (the DB was on the goal line) - and it would have been a strong CJ bull rushing his way toward the goal line.
Not meant as an insult, but RB has shown that reading defenses quickly is not his strength, to be polite. I have never even played quarterback at the flag football level, but I do believe that understanding defensive coverages quickly is highly instinctive.
Even though I believe that RB is giving it everything he has from a preparation standpoint, it just doesn't come naturally. To use something from personal experience, I think it may be a lot like having a slow bat facing a hard throwing pitcher - sometimes you just have to guess fastball in order to get around on it.
And keeping with the silly baseball analogy, there are plenty of guys that look like Albert Pujols in BP, but are clueless at full speed.

On a positive note, RB has shown the natural instincts to help this football team consistently with his legs and hands. I know he wants to be a great quarterback, but I want to play on the senior tour in a few years too, and that won't happen. At least not for me.
Re: Vince is wrong

Wrong. SHould have been and always be a slant first. Way harder for a small corner to defend if ball thrown well. Plus for a righthanded QB any pass to left side on an out etc is harder. We need to add slants to the offense, may have run 3 all year.
I agree with Vince 100% about the Miami and Ga preparation differences.

As for the pass play, it was a three step quick pass so I don't think Reggie had any reads, just the option to throw it away if he was covered or tuck and run. It was a quick hitter. The slant to Calvin would have been a better option. There may have been a better route/play, but in no circumstance should RB have thrown blindly without regard to the coverage.
Re: Vince is wrong

Sorry Beediddy, you should be right but in the real world, you too are WRONG!

Prove me wrong, but every middle of the endzone ball thrown from short range has been woefully behind the receiver. That's what happens when the quarterback aims it.

With all the time remaining, I was hoping to see another short toss to Cox, the fullback on the flat. Even though he caught what, 3 balls Sat., he would have been wide open and Dbo could have driven Jennings into the "Swarm".