Virginia Tech should be kicked out of the ACC


Memes posted are not fact checked for accuracy
Oct 21, 2009
Bunch of cheating bastards. You don't need to cheat to beat Fn Wake Forest. Send them to the MAC where they belong. :furious:
So this includes the time they went 0-0 in regulation?

Does this include that 0-0 game?

That game was in 2014, and I'm pretty sure they haven't played Wake, delightfully, that is the only game it applies to.

At least VPISU apologized. Did you see Louisville's AD's response?

"Our offensive coordinator Lonnie Galloway and Tommy Elrod have known each other for since 2007," Louisville AD Tom Jurich said in a statement. "Lonnie received a call from Elrod during the week of the Wake Forest game, and some information was shared with him that week.

"Among the communication were a few plays that were sent and then shared with our defensive staff. None of the special plays were run during the course of the game. Our defense regularly prepares for similar formations every week in their normal game plan.

"Any other information that may have been discussed was nothing that our staff had not already seen while studying Wake Forest in their preparations for the game and the material was not given any further attention. I'm disappointed that this issue has brought undue attention to our football staff as we prepare for our upcoming bowl game."
That game was in 2014, and I'm pretty sure they haven't played Wake, delightfully, that is the only game it applies to.

At least VPISU apologized. Did you see Louisville's AD's response?

Yeah, saw it the other day. Makes sense who Petrino got a job there twice, now.
I'm going to need a clear answer

Does anyone have a calendar showing the days VT played WF? I want to check something...
Wow, why are these schools 'fessing? Surprising. I guess they think if they conceal it it's an acknowledgment they did something improper? Instead apologize and hope for mercy?

I definitely believe Beamer when he said he didn't know what was going on. That was the case for every game his last few seasons.
That was a fantastic game. No, I am not kidding. Watched the entire train wreck.

I didn't catch the whole thing, but it was definitely one of the more enjoyable 4th quarter and overtimes I've watched. The ineptitude was staggering.