

Big Dummy
Aug 26, 2008
You axed for it, here it is. Perused the shitty TSL site for a while to find some decent schadenfreude. Probably more good stuff out there but I looked through that site as long as I possibly could stand it.

Took my six year old daughter yesterday... The person to my left kept going on about F this, F that. PJ is a m-fer...on and on and on. Finally, I turned to her and said "honey, daddy doesn't like it when you talk like that".

We should give them the "T"

-Not sure why the second string isn't playing
-Because the 1st string obviously needs the reps

And to think I coulda been watching Happy Gilmore

My least favorite games are always GT

I need a safe space and no tests this week.

Blown the eff out.

While I'm griping... can TSL show more posts per page. Is this dialup 1998?

Also, there were tons of comments on there about how they NEVER take the ball first and always defer as to get a first stop and be able to get the ball starting the 2nd half. Many attributed this to the loss, as well as the fumbled opening KO. I guess they forget that we gave them the ball on the 25 yard line after the 2nd half kick the same as they did to start. Also allowed them to score a TD there when we were held to a FG after that opening fumble.