Was our schedule this year the hardest in history of football as we know it?


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Oct 21, 2009
Only explanation. Prove me otherwise. 3 teams at some point in the season ranked in the top 10!
I want to make fun of you but between this and Ur hating of Clemson, I am pretty sure you are mentally retarded so I will be nice.
Our schedule was the most difficult ever played in any sport.

Thank God we've got the greatest coach that's ever lead any team in any sport!!!
Every year the teams in the SEC have to play each other. If they didn't play each other they would all be undefeated and ranked #1-14. Every year everyone in the SEC plays the hardest schedule ever.
Good lord, I did not know a butt could be so hurt and its host still survive.
Every year the teams in the SEC have to play each other. If they didn't play each other they would all be undefeated and ranked #1-14. Every year everyone in the SEC plays the hardest schedule ever.

I had a guy at the gym tell me that the fix for the Falcons would be to draft more SEC players since they play at a much higher lever in college.
Was jts1207 the dumbest poster in the history of stingtalk as we know it?
When Moses asked God what his plans were if the Pharaoh did not relent after the 10th plague, God handed him our 2015 football schedule.
Hard schedule, but if we had performed up to the expectations there would be several more Ls on our opponents' records. The UNC one especially irks me. We had them beat several times in that game and at no point did I feel like they were better than us. Even playing the majority of the game without both out starting DTs.
Try 2008 on for size. Pretty good BC team that year, VPI, MSSt. (granted this was when they sucked worse), Clemson, FSU, UNC, Miami, UGAg, LSU. Not injury plagued as we have been this season, but we finished that one out looking a lot better.