Monday night on campus. There was a group of primarily OLs, DLs, LBs, TEs doing some running/sprint work. Not much exciting to report just thought you guys might be interested. I can tell that Beseriveic has added some pounds. Perhaps he can be another Celaj for us. He is certainly athtletic for an OT.
Tidwell-Neal is a well put together kid. He has a huge body for center. Very very wide...I loved Schmiddy at center for us the last couple of years, but he was a little undersized. It's nice to have a little size up the middle this year.
I did see Ather Brown out there and he was running fine, I didn't see any problems from the Ankle. Etheridge seemed to be working very hard. I think he's going to get some decent PT this year and be a surprise. We will play more LBs this year and try not to wear the starters out.