We are Getting Great Press

I couldn't get the first link to work, but the second two were great! I think GTAA should use reprints of that second one in recruiting...I haven't read anything in the press that positive about our program since the Atlanta newspapers liked us, which was 40 years ago /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif
These guys seem to be a classy opponent so far, let's not confuse our disappointment w/ the bowl itself r/t the Utes.
They deserve respect,lest our egos come back to bite us in the ass!!

GE, I agree about the quality of the people we are up against as fans.
I have only been to Utah once and that was for the BYU game a couple years back. On the morning of the game I found a golf course between Provo and SLC.
As a single, 3 Utah grads invited me to join them. Those 4 hours were the most enjoyable part of the trip. They were so polite and friendly I thought at first they were going to ask me for money.

By the way, that golf course- Thanksgiving Point is a great track. Its a Johnny Miller layout, and sits right off the north-south (? on the number) freeway. The scenery and the golf course were beautiful.
Also, unless you are a high ball and long hitter already, don't expect the high altitude to drastically increase your distance.