We Are In Deep


Helluva Engineer
May 14, 2003
Trouble, I am afraid. Here it is at noon on Monday and there has not been one thing to my knowledge come down to mess up our game with Uoogah. The one thing I have learned from last week is this:
1) we gotta have all kinds of problems stacked against us. NCAA needs to do something fast or DB needs to tick us all off or something just better happen quick.
2) RM2 needs to come up with some of his HOODOO pickin for GT to win this thing. Between those two brothers, Vegas could get put out of business. Need something out of him and quick too.
3) Somebody needs to start griping about Chan Gailey and his coaching abilities. Everybody is behing him this week. That better be changing quick or we're doomed........
Come on somebody, let's have some CONTROVERSY !!!!!
Ok Rome ...here ya go.

Why were we snapping the ball to RB in the shotgun at the end of the game when we were running out the clock. I know it provided him an opportunity to run around and chew up a little more of the clock than just taking a knee would, but it was a risk, a very small one, but still, would've hated to have a bad snap in that situation and pull a Clemson '04.

That's all. CCG called a marvelous game and I was quite proud of the way he handled the press and stood up for his team and what they had just accomplished.
I was wishing he would go up under center too. Now on the other hand, wouldn't that be a great thing to do the whole game against UGAG. Reggie in the shotgun rolling this way and that, running 10-12 times. I just really think Reggie's legs are as good a weapon as his arm. I guess I'm just saying that a spread offense would seem to favor Reggie.

I also like it when we move the pocket.
I agree RW, the spead offense is probably a better offense for Reggie. Look at the Clemson game from last year when we were getting back into the game. Reggie was in the spread for much of the 2nd half, and looked damn good at it too.
I actually thought it would end 14-12 b/c I figured if we had to snap that play on 4th down that Reggiw would run around a while, then take a safety.
I actually thought it would end 14-12 b/c I figured if we had to snap that play on 4th down that Reggiw would run around a while, then take a safety.

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GT FAN, do not know if you saw my thread from last week, BUT if that had happened I would have had a coronary and Mover would have been coming to a funeral. I was sooooooo close though, just pisses mover off b/c I pick so much better than he does.