We are irrelevant... again

for the love of all that is decent and holy

You honestly want to point to our academics as a limiting factor after that Safety?

If THESE players can't handle the basic football intelligence required to not walk out of and then back into the endzone....what on earth do you think Dumber players will do?

We're not losing because of the Administration. We're losing because Ross > O'Leary > CPJ
Re: for the love of all that is decent and holy

You honestly want to point to our academics as a limiting factor after that Safety?

If THESE players can't handle the basic football intelligence required to not walk out of and then back into the endzone....what on earth do you think Dumber players will do?

We're not losing because of the Administration. We're losing because Ross > O'Leary > CPJ

No, I'm not saying that, sir. I'm saying that GT can't get the horses it needs to be a top D1 program simply because of academics. And its not just about football. Its about getting a wider range of students INTERESTED in attending the Institute.

Here is a personal example. My 15 year old daughter is a sophmore at GSMST in Lawrenceville. She is a genius. She is interested in Music Technology. Well..guess what, GT offers Music Technology...as a Masters. She would love to go to GT to please her Dad, but as long as that program is not offered as an undergraduate......

That's just an example. GT needs a wider variety of majors not just to compete in sports, but to compete in other areas. College experience is supposed about getting a higher education, but also be exposed to a wider variety of other people. A school full of geeks is not exactly providing the second point.

I'm not saying GT needs to sacrifice its academic integrity. Far from it. I'm saying...as a taxpayer and citizen of Georgia...that this Institute needs to expand itself...or risk dying on the vine.

It had nothing to do with Orwin Smith taking a safety on a routine kickoff.

Re: for the love of all that is decent and holy

No, I'm not saying that, sir. I'm saying that GT can't get the horses it needs to be a top D1 program simply because of academics. And its not just about football. Its about getting a wider range of students INTERESTED in attending the Institute.

Here is a personal example. My 15 year old daughter is a sophmore at GSMST in Lawrenceville. She is a genius. She is interested in Music Technology. Well..guess what, GT offers Music Technology...as a Masters. She would love to go to GT to please her Dad, but as long as that program is not offered as an undergraduate......

That's just an example. GT needs a wider variety of majors not just to compete in sports, but to compete in other areas. College experience is supposed about getting a higher education, but also be exposed to a wider variety of other people. A school full of geeks is not exactly providing the second point.

I'm not saying GT needs to sacrifice its academic integrity. Far from it. I'm saying...as a taxpayer and citizen of Georgia...that this Institute needs to expand itself...or risk dying on the vine.

It had nothing to do with Orwin Smith taking a safety on a routine kickoff.


An undergraduate degree in Music Technology will have her Occupying Wall Street and your house listening to her iPod. She needs a CS degree and a Masters to get a job in such a narrow field.
Byteback -- You can't be great at everything. There are limited dollars to go around for higher education in this state. GT shouldn't create the type of Liberal Arts degrees that UGA has for the same reason UGA shouldn't beef up its non-Computer Science Engineering programs.

If GT wants to add a Sports Mgmt major to hide jocks, fine. But you're asking tax payers to subsidize several million in professors. Is that really what you want? If the Athletic Dept were to fund those jobs....ok, that would make sense.

I digress. The point is...there is only so much $ to go around for higher ed in this state. We have money....we just don't have incrementally more money. If you add something, then something else has to get cut. OR the Athletic Department (which isn't exactly swimming in cash) has to fund it. The tax payer well is fairly dry.
Here is a serious question: I'm sure many of y'all know I'm a sidewalk fan who never attended a class at Georgia Tech. However I lived in this great state all my life and it pains me that this Institute is being held in check due to politics in the state government and the Board of Regents.

My question is this: Why can't the powers that be go public? I'm not talking about The Hill as they seem content with the way things are. But those who are high-up in business with degrees from Tech. Like the CEO of WalMart. The Coke people. Astronauts. People who really make a difference can go public and decry how unfair this situation is.

Georgia Tech is dying on the vine and we are all to blind to see it. The Institute has stayed pat while UGAg starts up its own engineering program. People in this state sees GT as the "enemy" and not a state of Georgia resourse. You go down the street in some backwood town in South Georgia and ask about GT, people think its a private school or something.

GT needs to modify its overall mission. Its not just about football. Its about the overall health of Georgia Tech. If you want this school to remain relevant as an academic powerhouse, it has to be able to offer more course offerings.


So an overtime loss to Miami has led to the downfall of GT academics. BS. GT academics is doing just fine thank you. My guess is the CEO of Walmart, the Coke people and astronauts would enjoy a good football game, win or lose, then go back to doing important business like most of the rest of us. I HATE losing football games. I brood over it for day or so, laugh at some ridiculous posts here, then get back to life. A life I have and enjoy because of what I learned in the classroom at GT. As much as I would like to beat UGA every year, I don't want to do it with athletes who don't qualify to go to GT or who don't want to go to real classes.
So an overtime loss to Miami has led to the downfall of GT academics. BS. GT academics is doing just fine thank you. My guess is the CEO of Walmart, the Coke people and astronauts would enjoy a good football game, win or lose, then go back to doing important business like most of the rest of us. I HATE losing football games. I brood over it for day or so, laugh at some ridiculous posts here, then get back to life. A life I have and enjoy because of what I learned in the classroom at GT. As much as I would like to beat UGA every year, I don't want to do it with athletes who don't qualify to go to GT or who don't want to go to real classes.

I'd say 70-80% of our scholarhip players already cannot qualify for GT.
You honestly want to point to our academics as a limiting factor after that Safety?

If THESE players can't handle the basic football intelligence required to not walk out of and then back into the endzone....what on earth do you think Dumber players will do?

We're not losing because of the Administration. We're losing because Ross > O'Leary > CPJ

Exactly, PJ has a scheme that will work well at the Div II level. Let's face it, it's a clown act offense. We will never be in contention again until we get rid of PJ.
I'd say 70-80% of our scholarhip players already cannot qualify for GT.

Our players have to qualify for GT with some exceptions so I would bet you're wrong. Because of the Hope scholarship the freshman classes at GT (and UGA) lately have had crazy high test scores and grades, so every student athlete is not going to be at the front of that bell curve. I just heard PJ say this week every player that didn't leave early for the NFL has graduated so I'm guessing that we aren't allowing a bunch of outliers in.
Byteback -- You can't be great at everything. There are limited dollars to go around for higher education in this state. GT shouldn't create the type of Liberal Arts degrees that UGA has for the same reason UGA shouldn't beef up its non-Computer Science Engineering programs.

If GT wants to add a Sports Mgmt major to hide jocks, fine. But you're asking tax payers to subsidize several million in professors. Is that really what you want? If the Athletic Dept were to fund those jobs....ok, that would make sense.

I digress. The point is...there is only so much $ to go around for higher ed in this state. We have money....we just don't have incrementally more money. If you add something, then something else has to get cut. OR the Athletic Department (which isn't exactly swimming in cash) has to fund it. The tax payer well is fairly dry.

No, what I want is more equity in our colleges and universities in Georgia. If UGAg can add engineering degrees, then GT can add journalism or something that they and only they teach.

My issue is that GT is dying on the vine because of the intents of the BOR and the legislature. I know quite a lot of UGAggers that have stated their ultimate goal is to merge GT into UGAg. They want UGAg to be like a Big Ten school like Michigan or Ohio State where EVERYTHING is taught at UGAg.

Our players have to qualify for GT with some exceptions so I would bet you're wrong. Because of the Hope scholarship the freshman classes at GT (and UGA) lately have had crazy high test scores and grades, so every student athlete is not going to be at the front of that bell curve. I just heard PJ say this week every player that didn't leave early for the NFL has graduated so I'm guessing that we aren't allowing a bunch of outliers in.

No our players qualify for GT FOOTBALL guidelines. Not the same as your normal student. Our exceptions are below GT Football standards but above NCAA minimums. We actually had the highest Sat average in college football a while back at somewhere just above 1000. What does it take for a normal kid to get into GT these days?
No our players qualify for GT FOOTBALL guidelines. Not the same as your normal student. Our exceptions are below GT Football standards but above NCAA minimums. We actually had the highest Sat average in college football a while back at somewhere just above 1000. What does it take for a normal kid to get into GT these days?

Normal kid

GT Student

Choose one.
No, what I want is more equity in our colleges and universities in Georgia. If UGAg can add engineering degrees, then GT can add journalism or something that they and only they teach.

My issue is that GT is dying on the vine because of the intents of the BOR and the legislature. I know quite a lot of UGAggers that have stated their ultimate goal is to merge GT into UGAg. They want UGAg to be like a Big Ten school like Michigan or Ohio State where EVERYTHING is taught at UGAg.


That's not going to happen. We outstrip them by 500% in terms of endowment and much more in terms of economic effect in Georgia. We could easily buy them.

If GT really wanted to succeed in football, they could be a contender every year. We are no different in terms of resources than academic powerhouses that are also football powerhouses - UTexas, Michigan, Notre Dame. However, I think it is a fact that we JUST DON'T want to win.
Re: for the love of all that is decent and holy

If THESE players can't handle the basic football intelligence required to not walk out of and then back into the endzone....what on earth do you think Dumber players will do?

You think he didnt understand the rules? Are you saying he got the safety because he is stupid? You are a total prick. The kid made a simple mistake. "Fans" like you should find something better to do with their time like kill themselves or take up baking
Exactly, PJ has a scheme that will work well at the Div II level. Let's face it, it's a clown act offense. We will never be in contention again until we get rid of PJ.

If there's anything to be missed from the trolls we had during the Gailey era, it's that they at least defended their arguments. Now we get nothing but idiots like this who post their garbage and run off giggling. Ah well. The good news is that after midnight tonight, this moron won't be around anymore.

Actually wouldn't be surprised if Buzzspeed is jacketup. :lol:
Byteback, love you brother, but you seriously need to get a grip. There are no black helicopter conspiracies working to ensure we lose football games to Miami in OT.

Saying things like GT is dying on the vine? GT is a top 10 public school, and nationally and internationally known as top shelf school. I wish we had more clout in small south Georgia towns too, but outside of sports it's not that important. IT just isn't.
Byteback, love you brother, but you seriously need to get a grip. There are no black helicopter conspiracies working to ensure we lose football games to Miami in OT.

Saying things like GT is dying on the vine? GT is a top 10 public school, and nationally and internationally known as top shelf school. I wish we had more clout in small south Georgia towns too, but outside of sports it's not that important. IT just isn't.

You might be right Flunkout, but when our own (and I mean Ga taxpayers) school is constantly despised within its own borders, you have to wonder....
