We Need Salesmen


Helluva Engineer
May 14, 2003
Back toward the end of June this year I posted an article about need a salesman at GT.
Today, I believe it to be an ABSOLUTE TRUTH!! GT needs someone out here selling for them, especially the Athletic Dept. I'm danged proud we were able to go to a bowl again but I'm not too proud that someone from our AD didn't attempt to move us up a little in the picture. Saying that, I'm assuming that there was no move in that direction or I would have thought we would have seen or heard some response on it.
I'm coming to Atlanta and applying for this job.
Homer Rice, in a low-key, business-like manner, was a great salesman for GT. If we hire Bill Curry as AD, we'll have another great one.
Amen Rome, i have always said what you just spoke of. If our AD and Marketing dept. aren't going to promote GT we need to do it ourselves.

I am moving to West Palm soon and I contacted the GT Club down there and they speak of selling GT to High Schoolers that are interested. The more we get out and if front of these teachers and parents of kids the more quality student/athletes we will get.

We need to do this in state and do it hard, if our AD isn't going to do it then we need to do it.
Amen Rome, i have always said what you just spoke of. If our AD and Marketing dept. aren't going to promote GT we need to do it ourselves.

I am moving to West Palm soon and I contacted the GT Club down there and they speak of selling GT to High Schoolers that are interested. The more we get out and if front of these teachers and parents of kids the more quality student/athletes we will get.

We need to do this in state and do it hard, if our AD isn't going to do it then we need to do it.

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That is why Braine is in that position making the big bucks! It is his job!
Another great one? Based on what? Where does he have AD experience? Oh yeah, he is a "Tech Man" therefore he does not need any qualifications for the job.

If you were making a report card for Dave Braine, what grade would you give him for overall performance at the job of Athletic Director ...FOR....Ga Tech?
Wow...I didn't realize I was being so obtuse. The subject of this thread was 'a good salesman for Ga Tech', and my comment was that Homer Rice was a good salesman for the school, and Bill Curry would be, too. I did not say that he was an experienced AD. In fact, in a thread on that subject several weeks ago, I agreed with many others that being a Tech man was not a primary qualification. Homer Rice, again, was not a Tech man, and was the best AD we've had in recent memory.

I love people who look so hard for something that they can disagree with, they don't take time to read or understand.
I really really like Bill Curry and I think he is recognized as a stand up guy. But I don't for a minute think that he is a great salesman to the outside world. His connections at ESPN and the NFL may help. He is well liked within and I'd expect him to do well raising money.

But I remember his coaching years and nothing stands out as him being a great salesman of the program. What we need are professional salesmen underneath the AD, telling him what to do or out on the road selling themselves.
Hey, Curry sold himself to Alabama as the one to turn their program back around...who could beat that selling job? LOL
I used to take our sons down to the alley under the north endzone stands and we would work our way around to see the football team as they were about to come out onto the field. Some of you were surely not impressed the same as I was, but Bill Curry always impressed me in those days, as he reminded me of Gen. George Patton just about to lead his men into battle. No nonsense back then in the alley. Straight faced, steely eyed, ready for combat was always my impression of our team and coaches.
I've mentioned this before, but I met Curry when he was an assistant in '75. I was on the Technique staff and interviewed him for a piece I did on the OL. I've since met many people in senior positions in international companies, major medical centers, academia, etc., but I have to say he's still the most impressive individual I've ever met.