We were too loud

Agreed - I'm talking about the people talking like the guy's just making excuses. He's saying the same thing his coach has said - "we're making dumb mental errors - that's why we're losing." I don't think he or any other player is just throwing up his hands and saying, "oh well." And, as I just pointed out in another thread; we started last season 1-1 as well and won the ACCCG. The sky isn't falling yet.

When you're performing poorly, the worst thing you can do is in any way insult or blame the fans. It doesn't matter what he actually meant, to say something that in any way could be construed as an attack against the fans is stupid.

This excuse is just incredibly lame and he never should have made it. The NC State offense had to deal with exactly the same crowd noise and didn't seem to have a problem. Some things are better left unsaid.
When you're performing poorly, the worst thing you can do is in any way insult or blame the fans. It doesn't matter what he actually meant, to say something that in any way could be construed as an attack against the fans is stupid.

This excuse is just incredibly lame and he never should have made it. The NC State offense had to deal with exactly the same crowd noise and didn't seem to have a problem. Some things are better left unsaid.

Again, it was never an "excuse." He was simply describing a game situation and discussing a deficiency in their playing - one that falls on their shoulders.

And, hence, my comment about getting a spine. Are the fans that sensitive that they let a comment about game conditions upset them? Give me a flippin break.
On a somewhat related note. I am actually in a mgt elective with Joshua, Brad, Albert Rocker and Kyle Jackson. While Joshua and Brad are obviously close the others don't seem to talk very much (to the point of downright where Kyle walks out of class alone while the others walk together meet up with other players etc), they never speak to one another at all, and walk by like he isn't even there, it is safe to say that there is no love lost between Brad and Kyle for whatever reason(maybe vying for the same position), I have noticed in this walking through the building as well our football team is entirely too cliquish. I have absolutely no idea why this is this is the case but it needs to stop.
And while on the subject players are walking around proudly toting their Orange Bowl book bags and little number lanyards that attach to them with the Orange Bowl symbol on them. It is time to burn these and move on, we lost the game badly, this should not be something the players should be proud of carrying around. And it makes them feel like they accomplished something for having shown up to the Orange Bowl if PJ wants to win championships this kind of mentality has to change. It seems to me until they move on and stop patting themselves on the back for what was accomplished last year we will not accomplish anything this year.
I am sure the crowd will become increasingly quiet as the season wears on. I thought it was quiet enough Saturday. Maybe it was noise from 75/85 confusing the defense.
Last Saturday was the quietest I've heard BDS in a long time, other than when we pulled within 3 and woke everyone up. That is a lame excuse. What are they going to do in Death Valley? We'd better learn some hand signals or master mind control pronto.
This is all misinterpreted. What the reporter forgot to mention is how communication broke down when NC State ran their hurry-up offense and how it affected the rhythm of the D especially when it was unexpected. What Brad and Jerrad is saying that it is very hard to focus in on the signal- caller with other external factors (crowd noise) when the opposition is ready to snap the ball. What ends up happening is each group of the D begins to scan over the signal to find what is only specific to that particular group (i.e. LBs may just look for the play and coverage, but not the front, which would put him in wrong gap on a run play). So no the D is not saying that crowd noise is a problem and they can't concentrate with it.
And while on the subject players are walking around proudly toting their Orange Bowl book bags and little number lanyards that attach to them with the Orange Bowl symbol on them. It is time to burn these and move on, we lost the game badly, this should not be something the players should be proud of carrying around. And it makes them feel like they accomplished something for having shown up to the Orange Bowl if PJ wants to win championships this kind of mentality has to change. It seems to me until they move on and stop patting themselves on the back for what was accomplished last year we will not accomplish anything this year.

What does this have to do with anything?!?! 1. Who said you have to be friends with your teammates? As long you have the same team objective/goals when you're between those white lines. 2. Why buy a new book bag if you get a FREE one. So was it a problem when they wearing their book bags and coats from the Humanitarion Bowl. I guess they just enjoyed going to Idaho! GTFOH!
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Oh hey defenders, Idk if you know this or not, but deaf people communicate with SIGN LANGUAGE! If you can't hear anything, LOOK FOR THE SIGN LANGUAGE DAMNIT AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOUR PISS POOR PERFORMANCE (in the second half).
Jefferson called me a fair weather fan, even though I showed up in Miami in January, and now he says we are too loud after I lost my voice screaming at Russell Wilson... Give me a break, you pansies. You blew the game, not the crowd. Accept some responsibility as the leaders on your defense and adapt. All the time they are down there on the field raising their arms for the crowd to amp up and when we do, they complain. Jefferson is a crock of you-know-what, and to be honest I will be glad when he's done playing.
Oh hey defenders, Idk if you know this or not, but deaf people communicate with SIGN LANGUAGE! If you can't hear anything, LOOK FOR THE SIGN LANGUAGE DAMNIT AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOUR PISS POOR PERFORMANCE (in the second half).

Well, I'm not deaf, so I don't speak sign language. Do you speak sign language? Do the GT players speak sign language. Take a pill, sweetie, and come back next week when your Aunt Flo leaves town again.
This is all misinterpreted. What the reporter forgot to mention is how communication broke down when NC State ran their hurry-up offense and how it affected the rhythm of the D especially when it was unexpected. What Brad and Jerrad is saying that it is very hard to focus in on the signal- caller with other external factors (crowd noise) when the opposition is ready to snap the ball. What ends up happening is each group of the D begins to scan over the signal to find what is only specific to that particular group (i.e. LBs may just look for the play and coverage, but not the front, which would put him in wrong gap on a run play). So no the D is not saying that crowd noise is a problem and they can't concentrate with it.

What are they high or something? Are our signals more difficult than other teams? Every defense on every team gets signals and runs plays. If we can't, there's something wrong with us.

Seriously starting to think our players are smoking up before games.
Oh hey defenders, Idk if you know this or not, but deaf people communicate with SIGN LANGUAGE! If you can't hear anything, LOOK FOR THE SIGN LANGUAGE DAMNIT AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOUR PISS POOR PERFORMANCE (in the second half).

LMAO! Now ask, excuse me, sign to a deaf person could they possibly sign to 10 other deaf people in less than 5-7 secs when the other team is on the ball ready to run a play. Look nobody is saying the crowd was too loud and nobody is making excuses. When he said "caught in the moment (seeing NCST in no huddle offense unexpectedly), crowd getting loud"(trying to interpret what the coach is trying to relay to the D, while blocking the crowd out and try to be in the right position all at the same). This has nothing to do with the crowd being too loud. What piss me off about this though is why there wasn't any built-in plays when teams go no huddle? I'm pretty sure the NCST coaches watched the KU film and saw the D had problems with hurry up offenses. That is bad coaching on Groh for not having this fixed pregame. And also the D have to get a sense of urgency mentally and physically by being ready for that stuff. This ain't the first and definitely wont be the last
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The only acceptable answer to the question of why we give up points to the opposition every time they have the goddamn ball is: "because we suck."

The sooner we can clear these older guys out of the defense the better. They're infected with the stain of suck.
What does this have to do with anything?!?! 1. Who said you have to be friends with your teammates? As long you have the same team objective/goals when you're between those white lines. 2. Why buy a new book bag if you get a FREE one. So was it a problem when they wearing their book bags and coats from the Humanitarion Bowl. I guess they just enjoyed going to Idaho! GTFOH!

1. I am not saying that you have to be friends with everyone but downright hostility towards team mates is never a good things especially when you have to work together on the same unit or in unison as the middle linebackers do in a 3-4. I see a correlation between communication problems on the defensive side of the football, and members of that unit downright not liking one another, could I be wrong? Absolutely. Notice I did not bring this up until the communication problems were mentioned in the first place.

2. If you can name another reason why this team has slept walked through 3 of its last 5 games then I am all ears. I have two main theories: Either they are still hung over from the horrible performance in the Orange Bowl or they feel like they fought so hard to accomplish something last year that this year they can take it easy, I have never seen a PJ team 'go through the motions' as much as this one has. Which means that stupid Orange Bowl book bag with its number lanyard(that every player proudly walks around with) is either a consistent reminder of failure (hangover) or providing them with a false sense of accomplishment. This is motivation 101 either way I do not see any good coming from these, especially when players continue to strut around with them even after two horrible performances. It is not like they didn't have book bags before, I would be willing to donate book bags to the team if people need any. And its not like the defense should feel like they accomplished much of anything last year, they should be playing with a chip on their shoulder with something to prove and they are not. I feel the same way about the rings we made after the UGA victory in 2008 contributing to us coming out somewhat flat in the first half against our most hated rival.

Could this all be turned around absolutely? But we have lost an amazing opportunity to capitalize on UGA's implosion which would have helped us lock up more prospects from the best Georgia class in recent memory and giving us a larger foot print in this talent rich state going forward. All because of a lack of motivation...its just damn maddening....
I am upset this as anyone else, but I do not think personally attacking young men, who are trying to balance the rigors of a first-rate education with collegiate football, is productive. Is it hard to motivate distracted 18-22 year old guys? You're damn right it can be difficult. But this is why our school is paying CPJ millions of dollars a year, it is his job to motivate them and keep their heads in the game. (Is there personal accountability from the players part, of course there is, but it is his job to recruit young men who have personal accountability or to instill in those who do not) If what he is doing is no longer working then he needs to challenge the process and change what he is doing. We have slept walk through part, most or all of the game since the Wake Forrest outing of last year, this funk is a pattern of behavior that needs to be interrupted.
"Burn the orange bowl book bags" is a pretty farcical solution to our defensive problems.
I guess it is just a GT thing, because after going to the ACCCG and Gator Bowl the team walked through the '07 season going 7-5 w/ loss to the Freso St. in the Humanitarian Bowl. I understand your logic with the book bags but it is silly because if you got a new book bag every year why would you keep the bookbag from the previous year!?!? They have lanyards on the bookbags because there are like 140 ppl who get those same bags! But one thing I do agree with you on is the lack of motivation. One of the biggest reason I feel that the D has struggled the past few seasons is the lack of an attitude/personality and hunger for more. Some may say well you have CPJ, but he is the OC and is involved with the O majority of practices/games. When Tenuta left the fire left. Then comes in Wommack who is a nice, soft spoken guy who the players thought was imposter. Now Groh is here and the time I been around him his energetic, firey guy that's why I believe things will change soon, but the guys on D are all kinda lacs and subdued lookin for someone to be their fire starter. I know all of you see the videos and everyone talkin bout they got swagger is all a facade. When Groh gets more walkers instead of talkers, then there will be change on that side of the ball.