We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...
administration at Tech. Think about it, our tradition is great, kids love Atlanta, and our facilities are nice. The administration thinks by putting our standards high, that our grap don't stink. Actually what is happening is our competition is laughing all the way to the bank. I'm not saying we should have sub-par standards, but when a kid demonstates he is college material, and can do well with a management degree, why does our administration do everything they can to run him off? I saw Clough on PBS this week and he comes across as a pompous hindend. He may not be that way at all but that is the impression I got. I hear he has done great things academically but he sure has held us back in football. Do y'all realize that during the last decade, we have been just a couple of players away from being a dominating program and owning the UGA series? All these 6 and 7 win seasons could have been 8,9, 10 win seasons like we had during the Ross/O'Leary/Fridge era. Some people say we can never be the program we were in the 50's, well with the right administration we can and we do not have to sacrifice our integrity. And to our admin, yes, when you take a dump your grap does STINK!!
OK, let the bashing begin!!!
South Georgia Jacket
administration at Tech. Think about it, our tradition is great, kids love Atlanta, and our facilities are nice. The administration thinks by putting our standards high, that our grap don't stink. Actually what is happening is our competition is laughing all the way to the bank. I'm not saying we should have sub-par standards, but when a kid demonstates he is college material, and can do well with a management degree, why does our administration do everything they can to run him off? I saw Clough on PBS this week and he comes across as a pompous hindend. He may not be that way at all but that is the impression I got. I hear he has done great things academically but he sure has held us back in football. Do y'all realize that during the last decade, we have been just a couple of players away from being a dominating program and owning the UGA series? All these 6 and 7 win seasons could have been 8,9, 10 win seasons like we had during the Ross/O'Leary/Fridge era. Some people say we can never be the program we were in the 50's, well with the right administration we can and we do not have to sacrifice our integrity. And to our admin, yes, when you take a dump your grap does STINK!!
OK, let the bashing begin!!!
South Georgia Jacket