We'd Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...


Varsity Lurker
Nov 19, 2001
We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

administration at Tech. Think about it, our tradition is great, kids love Atlanta, and our facilities are nice. The administration thinks by putting our standards high, that our grap don't stink. Actually what is happening is our competition is laughing all the way to the bank. I'm not saying we should have sub-par standards, but when a kid demonstates he is college material, and can do well with a management degree, why does our administration do everything they can to run him off? I saw Clough on PBS this week and he comes across as a pompous hindend. He may not be that way at all but that is the impression I got. I hear he has done great things academically but he sure has held us back in football. Do y'all realize that during the last decade, we have been just a couple of players away from being a dominating program and owning the UGA series? All these 6 and 7 win seasons could have been 8,9, 10 win seasons like we had during the Ross/O'Leary/Fridge era. Some people say we can never be the program we were in the 50's, well with the right administration we can and we do not have to sacrifice our integrity. And to our admin, yes, when you take a dump your grap does STINK!!
OK, let the bashing begin!!!
South Georgia Jacket
Re: We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

Nothing to disagree with there.
Re: We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

Tell it brother!

UVa's national reputation is probably better than GT's, and they take FB players that our administraton won't let visit.

Miami is a private school with a good acadmemic reputation, and ditto, they take FB players that our administration won't let visit.

I am pretty neutral about Chan at this point, but most of the people who are really down on him do not understand the handcuffs that the administration puts on this staff. We have more talent issues than coaching issues, and if the administration would back off, we would not have talent issues.
Re: We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

UVa's national reputation is probably better than GT's, and they take FB players that our administraton won't let visit.

Miami is a private school with a good acadmemic reputation, and ditto, they take FB players that our administration won't let visit.

[/ QUOTE ]

And how many players did UVA have to recently release? And how many players does Miami seem to have in trouble with the law on an annual basis? These are the type of kids that you want to bring into the program? All at the cost of winning a few games? Oh yeah, who won that Miami game last year? We have the talent, we just have to be clicking on all cylinders, and we havent been able to put together a streak of games where we have been doing that.
Re: We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

Two months ago I was talking to a non revenue GT team coach. He said that in the last two years he has had three recruits that scored 1050, 1050, and 1070 on their SAT. All were told by admissions to retake the exam until they got an 1100 (before they would be accepted).

All three recruits said, "screw that". One ended up at UNC. One at University of Illinois. Both are top 15 programs in their respective sports.

I argue that if the coaches can show a graduation rate above the student body average then that coach should have enough credibility to allow recruits with a 1050 into school. This particualr coach fits this description. The Hill needs to back off BIGTIME from sports that have had no prior academic problems...
Re: We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

I agree with that gtyj. Not having the proper math prep is a real problem, but if a kid has taken the right classes and the coach is willing to take the chance I think he/she should be given the benefit of the doubt. Coaches don't want kids who will flunk out, it only gets them in trouble down the road. The Hill needs to set basic requirements and then just monitor results. If a coach has players flunking out, then take away their discretion.
Re: We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

some on this board are funny.. In the past few months, the blame game is alive and well for GT's continual lackluster performances under Gailey (which wasn't the case before Gailey, ironically)

1) AJC bias 2) lack of GT apparell 3) math prep of students 4) one extra math class for SA's 5) negative comments by some fans on an interent message board 6) Braine 7) Moore 8) wrong cleats used in the nut bowl against a 6-5 Utah team without their starting qb 9) Tobacco road prejudice against us etc... forget the fact that our school was placed on NCAA probation, lack of a good string of recruiting classes, Gailey's lack of pr skills, continual and reliable inconsistent play, lack of recruitiment and coaching of a qb, wasting the talent of one of the best recievers in the country, etc.. Yep, you'll seldom hear those excuses mentioned. But that darn AJC and lack of GT apparel is a real football killer. Prior regime seemed to do pretty well if I recall without all the excuses. Now, back to your math discussion and the new blame target du jour, The Hill.

Oh yea, our million dollar coach is above criticism and has nothing to do with poor play year in and year out. sorry, I forgot.
Congrats! I just began \"ignoring\" you.

If the mods won't censure you for hijacking threads, I'll do it myself. Are you sure you're not beeware on Prozac?
Re: Congrats! I just began \"ignoring\" you.

No he's not beeware I don't think, he's not interesting enough. But he does suffer from a lack of any imagination. To him everything is Chan's fault. His little brain just can't grasp the fact that a number of things are hurting our athletic program right now and that there is no simple answer.
Re: Congrats! I just began \"ignoring\" you.

yep, my little brain remembers a 1990 National Championship, my little brain remembers many great seasons after that including three wins in a row against UGA. Something we haven't had under Gailey...only the typical 6 or 7 win season to a funny named bowl we probably lost. Throw in NCAA probation and that is what we've had since Gailey got here. It certainly wasn't here before. I guess SOOOOO much has changed on the hill, with the AJC, the fans, recruiting, everything that merits any finger pointing to a problem other than the the head coach who just happened to be hired when this started to occur.
Re: We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

SMoney---Apples and Oranges.

You are presuming that every kid with good academics has good character and that every kid that does not meet GT standards is a kid of poor character. I suggest that you can't make that generalization.

This thread is about academics, not character.
Re: Congrats! I just began \"ignoring\" you.

You're right, soooo much has changed on the Hill since 1990. If you haven't noticed you're slower than I originally thought, or just more closed minded (although I'm not sure that's possible).
Re: Congrats! I just began \"ignoring\" you.

continue to make all the excuses you want. What a coincendnce that since Gailey was hired, our program is mired in ho-hum mediocrity compared to our prior coach (who at least could beat UGA, three times in a row, I might add). So many factors in the college football universe changed the day Gailey was hired apparently that caused this as nothing could be his fault. Be careful not to get that yellow sand in your ears when burying your head.
Re: Congrats! I just began \"ignoring\" you.

What a baby. Simple little answers to simple little questions. Everything is Chan's fault because it means you don't have to think. So now you're ignoring me. Fine. I wouldn't want to stress you out too much by expecting you to actually think.
Say what you want about Chan, geetee, BUT

if Joe Hamilton, Key Fox, Daryl Smith, and ESPECIALLY Joe Burns were High School Seniors this year, the Hill would NOT let them in. Period. That's a fact.

Take those players away from O'Leary and I doubt he'd had the same success AND he would have left earlier for greener pastures.

When he left for ND, the Hill was tightening its grip on recruiting and he was getting sick of it.

Is Chan PERFECT as a Coach?? Nope, but the playing field for recruiting is different now than when O'leary was leading us.
Re: Say what you want about Chan, geetee, BUT

The Hill needs to realize this is the Deep South and Football is King! Tech is not nor will ever be a Ivey League school. It is however a very fine institution for engineering, but for some reason the Hill sees itself as Harvard and will not allow any marginal SA's to attend.

And I wonder why for every Tech tag on a car I see in South Georgia I see 50 Ugag tags.
What\'s Funny Is How We Hang Onto Our Academic ...

reputation as an institution of higher learning when we have graduates like you that can't grasp simple facts. Read it again, I'll type slower if you need me to: We are no longer playing under the same academic rules as we did when O'Liar was our head coach. The fact that you can't get that through your head may expose Tech as a diploma mill.
Re: We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

Be careful, SouthGa. Folks on here will accuse you of wanting us to be a 'football factory', which I suppose means a school that actually tries to compete.
Re: Say what you want about Chan, geetee, BUT

Is Chan PERFECT as a Coach?? Nope, but the playing field for recruiting is different now than when O'leary was leading us.

[/ QUOTE ]
Please don't let the facts get in the way.
O'liary was god and Chan just sucks./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bash.gifThose three straight wins may be vacated so don't give George too much credit.
I am NOT completely satisfied with all the results of the past 5 seasons but do I see any quick fix solutions? Hell no! If we can get Chan the right players like all the other FB factories I guarantee you he'd be killing it. He's ran with UGA the last couple years without the 4-5 star athletes. Is recruiting COMPLETELY his fault? Dunno. But he's adjusted that.
There are excuses and there are facts. Is having flunkgate an excuse? Nope. Fact. NCAA sanctions? Fact. Tougher entrance req.? Fact. These are the things that we've had to deal with. Sucks but they are the facts.
I'm just not from the school that says things are going a little rough- cut off the nose to spite the face. It's not even that bad. Getting rid of gailey now is just not an option . 2-3 years we'll re-evaluate and see but at this point we have to deal with the hand we've been dealt.
This program is an organization that is ran by multiple people. All blame can not fall on one head but the whole. We've already started with a new AD and it will be his decision on where we go from here. But, IF Chan goes on a tear 9-3 or 10-2 Will the Chan bashers swallow their pride? I guarantee If we go 6-6 or 7-5 this next year. I will. Most likely we'll go 8-4 and everyone will still have the same argument.
OFF /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/soapbox.gif
Re: We\'d Be A Powerhouse With Athletic Friendly...

Have you actually read any of the posts in this thread? I think pretty much everyone agrees to some extant with what SouthGa said. Where people differ is in terms of degree not the basic premise. We are too selective in admitting athletes...not just in football but in all sports. We need to give the coaches more leeway and hold them accountable for academic performance just as we do for athletic results. We have to be careful, as many HS kids can't do the work at Tech. But we have to give our coaches a chance.