went by BDS@GF today and.........


Nov 25, 2001
it is really coming along. I predict that it will be 25% louder and more than that in the end zones.

There will be NO seats blocked by columns on the east side and there will be a LOT more room for the club seats.

on the sides of the club seats it appears there will be 35+ rows, but on the club seats there will only be ~25 rows.

That is a lot of extra leg room and with the seat backs I do think they may be popular with the big coin contributers.

but the only drawback is that you facing the sun. There will only be maybe 3 rows in the shade.

given the fact that many of the big AT fund people are Senior citizens they may need to have some medics on staff for the heat
The latest pictures on Ramblinwreck.com are very crude. Are the premium chair back seats in the lower east stands installed yet? Are they green (like Russ Candler Stadium) or yellow? I would like to see yellow ones. Those yellow chair back seats at Rosenblatt Stadium are sharp and would be perfect for BDS@GF.
Install YELLOW premium chair back seats, not green ones (as seen on the 2001 GT Football poster given out on Fan Photo Day last year). We are the GT YELLOW Jackets, not the Charlotte GREEN Hornets.
Law, that wasn't you I spoke with down there today was it? We didn't introduce ourselves, but I spoke with a gentleman for a bit in the west stands. I had a camera, and was taking pictures.
no I was working today. I look around on the weekends.

I really like the way the stands are shaping up. It is going to be a NICE stadium.