We've been factored!

In a shoot out, you bet on the guy with the biggest ammo belt, and Paul Johnson is walking in with dual bandoliers across his oily, Groundkeeper Willy-esque chest, especially now that he gets A-back Roddy Jones back from a wrist injury. (A stands for Annihilating, the B in B back stands for Battering.)

That should be in the Media Guide to explain A&BBack.
Paul Johnson’s theme this week–besides the usual constant scowling and strutting redneck alpha-dogging constituting much of his day–has been harping on Tech to maintain consistent intensity on both sides of the ball

Not really true anymore, though the Tech campus is bordered by three strip clubs on Marietta street, or as we used to call them at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, “study halls."
This is probably the funniest thing that Orson has ever posted.
Paul Johnson does not want that target bombed, soldier: he wants you to scrub the earth where the town used to stand until it shines like new glass.