What a great way to unite a fan base!


Flats Noob
Nov 5, 2005
Give a coach who hasn't proven crap in 4 years an extension BEFORE the 2 games in which he must prove himself. I was willing to give him to the end of the year to show his mettle, but the GTAA and the GT administration has shown its quality with this movie. Fair enough... I don't give a rat's arse about the Miami game, but Gailey better beat UGAy. That's how he can earn this extension. Otherwise, there will be hell to pay. Are you listening GTAA? Your collection plate is on the line.
Actually it probably isn't. The big money guys must be okay with this and even behind it or they would never have taken the step they reportedly have.
Look I'm not going to argue your points but at this time Gailey isn't going anywhere for a while. Support the Jackets and leave it at that.
How can I support the program when I feel like it has stabbed me in the back after years and years of unconditional support? Sorry, I don't believe in Chan Gailey, and for that matter, GT's administration anymore either. They've lost a big fan today, but I guess one fan isn't important.
Great, I guess we wont be seeing you make your 5th post..
Ah yes!

And I must be a dawg too!
I feel like it has stabbed me in the back after years

[/ QUOTE ]

Why do you feel like that?
If you were a TECH fan and are going to ditch them after one move you don't agree with then whether you're a dog or not is irrelevant...You're the enemy. We are all supposed to be in this boat together, whether we have differing opinions or not. We all hurt when we lose, sweat when it's close in the 4th quarter, pump our fist on a big play, and go crazy when we win. And I'm sure I speak for the majority of US when I say we don't want you if you are going to ditch US over a decision you don't agree with...Goodbye and Good Ridance...Now Please, never post again.
It's the summation of many years of waiting for something good to happen. Nothing yet has happened, and yet, we are going to go ahead and assume something will. I would have supported a short term extension with a UGAy victory. But to go ahead and give an extension now without results? What am I supposed to get excited about now? What do I to look forward to next season?

I can't describe it. I feel aliented. This is GT telling me that it doesn't need me.
Well if that's how you feel then stop loading the boat down and move on. But before you go, consider 50 other programs out there like Vanderbilt, Duke, Kentucky, Indiana, Kansas, Stanford, Army, Buffalo.....

If that doesn't do it for you how about another 50 programs out there that can't match our bowl streak: Oklahoma, Texas A & M, Penn State, Notre Dame, Nebraska......

Or if that doesn't do it for you, how about the 100 programs out there that hasn't won 4 NC: Georgia, UCLA, Florida, Ohio State...

Buddy, Georgia Tech is one of the greatest football programs in the country. If you can't accept a few 6-5 seasons then really you can not accept Georgia Tech. It won't even be close.
Why would we need someone who does nothing but criticize. If one of your seven posts was even marginally positive about Tech Football then maybe someone would listen to you, but as of now all you are is a negative influence that we don't need. We all want Chan to succeed...mainly because if Chan succeeds GT succeeds and I think we aren't ready as a whole to see him off.

Here is a stat for you:
In his 1st four years of Football with GT, Chan has ZERO losing seasons.

If you find one other GT coach in the modern era who can make that claim I'll shut up.
Why would we need someone who does nothing but criticize. If one of your seven posts was even marginally positive about Tech Football then maybe someone would listen to you, but as of now all you are is a negative influence that we don't need. We all want Chan to succeed...mainly because if Chan succeeds GT succeeds and I think we aren't ready as a whole to see him off.

Here is a stat for you:
In his 1st four years of Football with GT, Chan has ZERO losing seasons.

If you find one other GT coach who can make that claim I'll shut up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heisman, Alexander (though he had a lot of ties his 4th year he had more wins than losses), you might want to qualify that with modern era, if thats what you meant.
Here is a stat for you:
In his 1st four years of Football with GT, Chan has ZERO losing seasons.

[/ QUOTE ]

we're looking at a great possibility of a 6-5 season this year. BARELY a winning season... and thats ok with you?

im sorry, 4-5 losses in modern day Div-1A football just isnt 'Successful' in my book.
How Many other teams have had winning seasons each of the past four years?...Not to mention the last nine?

Do I want TECH to be a 6-5 team the rest of my life...no, but Chan has done nothing to warrant a pink slip unless continuing the same success he and the program have had in his tenure despite the fact that the ACC has added a top 3, top 7, and top 25 team is that nothing.

We are doing fine and the new formed ACC is about to start a balance of power that will have the cream rise and crap fall for many years to come, which in my mind is not the time that any team with a successful coach would want to start over with a new guy.

I definitely belive that if we give him a longer stay he will probably improve upon his success as he continues to recruit his players, gets the assistants he wants, and builds roots along certain recruiting trails that will provide us with exceptional talent we aren't used to. As long as he can keep us in good standing until this increase in performance comes and never allows us to go belly up like recent TECH coaches have then we will be just fine.

Whether you like it or not Chan is the Man...We gave him a shot to produce right away and he earned mixed reviews...We kept him, and now will give him a shot to build a powerful consistent Top 25 program. After a few years of this we can start to make judgements again, but for now The Powers That Be have spoken and he is the Man...So Deal With It...And Can we Please Start Talking About the Miami Game

Go Jackets!!!
I don't think we had much choice Swilling. Yes I believe we would have had candidates if we had made a move now, but how many would have stayed in it when they discovered the AD is leaving next year? I've mentioned on several threads some guys we should look at and why I think Tech would have a great chance to get a new coach but never really thout through the issue of being the new guy with an outgoing AD. Whoever we brought in would know that he had to win big quickly or the new AD would be looking for his guy.

While the length of the extension surprised me, on reflection I don't think it really matters. If we don't step up the new AD will make a move when he gets his feet on the ground no matter what the contract length is. Just look at Syracuse for an example.

And for those who give up and turn on Tech I say screw you. My dad always taught me, if you're a fan, you're a fan for life good or bad. If you bail, you were never a fan. Now that doesn't mean you can't complain or criticize. But if you quit, you're not worth worrying about. (not talking to you swilling)
Anyone, think the NCAA is about to slap us hard, therefor Tech knew they had to reassure recruits and save face so they exteneded Gailey's contract?? Hope I am dead wrong, and I hope Chan can get better but I doubt it.

I swear its days like today that make me wonder why as a life-long Tech fan, but a Uga alumni I don't just switch team and pull for GA. All the BS I catch and now we have 5 more years of being a .500 team and Ga's doormat, gee I am pumped.


Ahh, I need a drink, freakin Tech I swear..... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drink1.gif

-ps- I will always be a Tech fan just very frustrated and confused!!!
Anyone, think the NCAA is about to slap us hard, therefor Tech knew they had to reassure recruits and save face so they exteneded Gailey's contract??

[/ QUOTE ]No.

edit: No.
I don't think we had much choice Swilling. Yes I believe we would have had candidates if we had made a move now, but how many would have stayed in it when they discovered the AD is leaving next year? I've mentioned on several threads some guys we should look at and why I think Tech would have a great chance to get a new coach but never really thout through the issue of being the new guy with an outgoing AD. Whoever we brought in would know that he had to win big quickly or the new AD would be looking for his guy.

While the length of the extension surprised me, on reflection I don't think it really matters. If we don't step up the new AD will make a move when he gets his feet on the ground no matter what the contract length is. Just look at Syracuse for an example.

And for those who give up and turn on Tech I say screw you. My dad always taught me, if you're a fan, you're a fan for life good or bad. If you bail, you were never a fan. Now that doesn't mean you can't complain or criticize. But if you quit, you're not worth worrying about. (not talking to you swilling)

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