What a WIN BABY!!!!


Flats Noob
Sep 9, 2005
Those special teams had me pulling my hair out all night, glad we pulled it off, this win is up there with the best in the history of the program.


PS:The hardest part was the walk to my car afterwards.
Great picture GT12, I know what my stress level was in the 4th quarter watching from home, I can only imagine what it was like in the stadium!
I kick myself for not going to the game, so darn proud of Tech!! Great picture!!!

Seriously, did some UM "slumni" give you a hard time our what?

[/ QUOTE ]

Like I said in another thread, it was the usual "F*** Gatech" and "You suck" plus the other guy who sarcastically pointed out that it was our programs biggest win in the last 30 years. The thing about the Orange Bowl is that since it's not a stadium campus most visiting fans have to park outside the stadium in the surrounding neighborhoods and walk about a block or two to the stadium area, those neighborhoods are filled with tailgating Cane fans, some give you the business going and coming back from the game.