What are folks thinking about Paul Johnson these days?

By the way, for those of you younger guys on this board that are arguing with Jacketup. The guy railed Gailey and would publicly beg for his firing and that our program sucked then. He was way more over the top about it than the average poster. I find it funny considering now he is defending Gailey almost to the extent that he should not have been fired.
By the way, for those of you younger guys on this board that are arguing with Jacketup. The guy railed Gailey and would publicly beg for his firing and that our program sucked then. He was way more over the top about it than the average poster. I find it funny considering now he is defending Gailey almost to the extent that he should not have been fired.

But that would suggest that he is trolling.

I don't get the emphasis on firing a coach for losing to a rival.

Especially when I look at the reality of the Georgia/Georgia Tech situation, at least for now.
PJ is 10 times the coach Gailey was. PJ's problem comes down to recruiting. He has trouble recruiting talented players.

Here's my take on PJ's recruiting. His first true class 2008 sucked. It just did. Call it what it is. Got to remember that a lot of those kids were Gailey's recruits that PJ took over. But we had to play a lot of them because the depth stunk when PJ took over even though we had some studs at certain positions like DE, RB, and Safety. Certain guys took forever to develop like TJ Barnes who is still a question mark. But very little from that class was serviceable until year four of their careers. Big part is we missed on recruiting a stellar QB which is understandable for the first 2008 class. We missed on every Linebacker in that class (which were all Gailey holdovers) and other than Uzzi, no one has turned out to be a stud, but some of them certainly serviceable. We played guys like Cooper Taylor and Rashad Reid out of need because our secondary was absolutely horrendous everywhere but Morgan Burnett. Then both those players from that class disappeared the next year because of injuries.

2009 was a good recruiting class but we missed big on our Quarterback prospect for the second year in a row which in my opinion cost us better results in the 2010 season when Nesbitt went down to injury. The bigger key is 2010 showed just how badly of a recruiter Gailey was. 2007's studs had flown for the NFL and we were left with your normal Gailey recruits which were pretty sorry.

We have the best depth right now with solid players in the secondary, linebackers, oline, runningback positions, etc. mainly due to this 2009 class. We lost Stephen Hill to the draft which hurts because our WR recruiting has been our short coming. But the 2009 class is one of our better classes and most of them were redshirted so we got 4th year players who have two years remaining other than a few like Smith, Sweeting, and Cross.

2010 was a small class but solid talent. It really hurt that our DT prospects have not worked out thus far. Green to injury big and McCoy to heart condition. This year will speak volumes about this class. The bigger deal for this class is we failed to address the QB position with someone who lets face it, is a QB. When we recruited Days, I said from the beginning that I had little hope that he would be a QB for us. But Days could be a monster somewhere else, we just got to find a place for him. We were able to instantly upgrade our linebackers in this class and we have some athletes that look to see the field this year their third.

2011's seems underrated to me. Vad Lee was the answer to our QB recruiting issues, but again, he still hasn't done it on the field but he's only a second year player. We seem to have bolstered our depth at Linebacker, and OLine especially with good talent. We're finally recruiting bigger OTs too. I was disappointed with this class when they signed, but looking at the "reaches" on players then, it seems some of these guys are making a case for serious playing time. Like Laskey and Macordes. Both were WTF? recruits at the time, but they look to be true finds.

Too early to tell on 2012's class but it does address a lot of the problem areas on depth as well as stock pile some players.

PJ's recruiting has shown three weak areas:
1.) WR. We have to find some players at this position and in year 5, we haven't shown enough other than hitting on one Stephen Hill who never reached his full potential at GT.

2.) QB. We have to recruit a higher class of QB, and we have the last two years. Problem is they are young. Before that we have flat out missed on prospects for QB.

3.) B-back. Better find one that can produce. I have not written Sims or Perkins off. I think Sims can be a star but he needs to get off the injured list. After this year Perkins will be a bust if he doesn't produce. Laskey... I'll believe he's the answer when I see it but the kid looks to at least be a player and will push the other guys if he's not the next best white RB in college football.

I would also say we've missed at DT, but honestly, we've just been very unlucky with injuries and development here. We've recruited fine for this position but it just hasn't happened for whatever reason.

What I'm most happy about is that we are finally recruiting a higher class of QB, our OLine recruiting is better than its been since O'Leary was here. Chan sucked at recruiting OLineman. Our DLineman seem to be poised to be as productive as the 2008 team. Not as talented but certainly very deep especially at the DE position. Linebacker is loaded and our secondary is the best its been since Wille Clay, Curley Day and Ken Swilling were at the flats.

I expect a 9-4 season this year with a loss to UGA and a bowl win. Next year... look out.
Remember losing to Air Force.

Thats just embarrassing.

Almost as bad as losing to kansas


Blowing your wad vs utah.

We are talking 8 wins because how bad our schedule is. Put us in one of the bigs or sec and we are about a 5 win team (providing we have weak ooc)

Stop comparing his stats and accomplishments to other acc programs, this conference is terrible. Being 4th in it is not a huge deal.

Oh look how contrarian you are.
+1 to pretty much everything BOR said.

My only real beef with PJ has been the QB position. 2008, I understand. I was disappointed with with 2009, though Luallen looked solid.

I also agree that we need more numbers on the DL especially at DT. But I believe CPJ has tried and tried and we've just missed on some guys. Not sure I really blame him for the DT position.

I am extremely happy with where we are at QB, AB, OL, and LB right now. BB could turn back into a position of strength in the next 2 years. Our secondary is very good right now and I think we'll be able to continue that trend if we can send a few to the League.
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2009 was a good recruiting class but we missed big on our Quarterback prospect for the second year in a row which in my opinion cost us better results in the 2010 season when Nesbitt went down to injury.

Don't know about you guys but I had HUGE hopes for Jordan Luallen. Then obviously equally disappointed when he transferred. This is one of the reasons why I've been downplaying all the hoopla about Vad.

I think recruiting has been fine. It's been all the things that prevented these kids from playing that bugs the hell out of me.
I don't get the emphasis on firing a coach for losing to a rival.

Especially when I look at the reality of the Georgia/Georgia Tech situation, at least for now.

Beating your hated rival wins you endearment from your fanbase given otherwise mediocre results.

As an example, I will use NCSU. I am convinced Tom O'Brien would have been fired by now if he wasn't undefeated against UNC. He has had one good season and the rest mediocre to poor. But the wins against UNC did get him leeway he would not have otherwise received from the fanbase.

I think that if PJ had a winning record against UGA, we're not even having this debate, even given the mediocrity of the last 2 seasons. He could put up Chan-esque records for the next few seasons, but if he consistently beats UGA, the fanbase is largely content.

Similarly, if PJ starts putting up 10+ win seasons, then we can likely overlook continuing losses to UGA.
It would be insanity to even consider firing PJ at this point, regardless of his record against Georgia.

Even a blowout loss this year and a loss next year shouldn't be considered as cause for firing him.

I don't think people are fully understanding the complete change in system and culture that the team has to go through, particularly on the offensive line. It will take time and investment, but it will pay off.
and yes, I do agree that when we hired PJ it was understood that he'd have a longer leash because of the unique change of system. This means that, when we might be ready to fire a "normal" coach, we will give PJ a little more time. I think that was a known part of the deal when we decided to go with him.
Two more straight losses to UGAy, especially if they are blowouts, in the absence of an otherwise spectacular season somewhere along the line, and I will be ready to replace CPJ if we can find somebody that looks like a sure bet in his place. Not very productive to fire a coach just to demonstrate how mad you are.
I, for one, thought Laskey's offer was a little bit charity, to a good kid and effort guy, just to fill out the class. And maybe it was. But based on fall camp it sounds like he was a good pickup.
Two more straight losses to UGAy, especially if they are blowouts, in the absence of an otherwise spectacular season somewhere along the line, and I will be ready to replace CPJ if we can find somebody that looks like a sure bet in his place. Not very productive to fire a coach just to demonstrate how mad you are.

You want this guy dont you?

You want this guy dont you?


Sometimes you just have to fire a guy. If CPJ wants to en-scandal himself with a GA, red panties, a motorcycle, and other aides, I'll be all for his firing. If it's just that we'd rather have a sexier coach, the devil you know, etc...
I, for one, thought Laskey's offer was a little bit charity, to a good kid and effort guy, just to fill out the class. And maybe it was. But based on fall camp it sounds like he was a good pickup.

This is one of the things that has impressed me about PJ's recruiting. When Gailey went last minute on a two star kid (Not someone like Wheeler which was a two star early commitment to us), you knew you pretty much had a kid that shouldn't have a D-1 scholly. Jake Blackwood comes to mind.

When Johnson has done this it seems like he's got someone who looks to make an immediate impact in the two deep or at a critical position on special teams.

My biggest beef thus far with the PJ regime isn't recruiting. Its developing players. That's where this years efforts are where the rubber meets the road for me. He's got to prove he can develop the players he's recruited. Sims and Perkins were good recruits but they haven't developed much since then. Quarterback we didn't start recruiting well until Vad Lee and he's not even a proven commodity yet. Tevin is a 5th year senior. The oline has been recruited VERY WELL under PJ and this year that needs to start showing. There's no reason why we shouldn't get major production from these players this year.

I'm very happy with our defensive recruiting and development.
Beating your hated rival wins you endearment from your fanbase given otherwise mediocre results.

As an example, I will use NCSU. I am convinced Tom O'Brien would have been fired by now if he wasn't undefeated against UNC. He has had one good season and the rest mediocre to poor. But the wins against UNC did get him leeway he would not have otherwise received from the fanbase.

I think that if PJ had a winning record against UGA, we're not even having this debate, even given the mediocrity of the last 2 seasons. He could put up Chan-esque records for the next few seasons, but if he consistently beats UGA, the fanbase is largely content.

Similarly, if PJ starts putting up 10+ win seasons, then we can likely overlook continuing losses to UGA.

2011 was a disaster for TOB. NCSU lost about 10 starters by week 3. Lost 5 KEY players in pre-season camp with season ending injuries.

NCSU will be very good this year, b/c TOB gets all those players back.

NCSU struggled early last year and got better towards end of season. NCSU destroyed Clemson in Week 11.

IMHO, the ACC-A will come down to winner of NCSU-FSU game on October 6th. For now, I give the edge to NCSU.

IMHO, I think the SEC is going to have a bad start to the season b/c I believe:

1. NCSU will blast Tenn
2. Clemson will beat Auburn
3. Michigan will beat Bama. Late FG for the win. Maybe 23-20.
4. Mizzou will beat UGAG in a close one. Maybe 23-20 also
5. TXAM will beat UF (Gators might get embarrassed)
Kevin Sumlin as OC > Muschamp as DC.

6. Vandy will shock the world and beat UF on Oct 13th.
UF has a bye Week 5. Weeks 6 begins with LSU, then Vandy, then USC, then UGA, all back-to-back.