What channel is this game on?

This will be video? And will work even if you're blacked out on ESPN3?

I've missed watching the last two games thanks to this new ACC Network BS.

Don't know for sure. It worked for me for the Pitt game. Guess we'll find out in 6 minutes.
Don't know for sure. It worked for me for the Pitt game. Guess we'll find out in 6 minutes.

Thanks for sharing.

I didn't have any trouble watching Pitt on ESPN3. Last two games were blacked out on ESPN3.
This will be video? And will work even if you're blacked out on ESPN3?

I've missed watching the last two games thanks to this new ACC Network BS.

Ya know you could come to the games...

Inb4 Coit.
Looks like it's not blacked out on ESPN3 today in the Midwest. Thank God
Im about to give up looking for the channel...

öööö this third world conference.
ESPN 3 blacked out in Savannah. Not on any direct tv channels. ööööing acc app on fire stick doesn't have live games. ööööing acc app on phone and iPad doesn't allow casting.

Summary: acc ööööing sucks