What do the Focers expect from Chan?


Varsity Lurker
Oct 21, 2001
I see a lot of posts praising the extension of Gailey's contract but none of them state in numbers of wins and losses what the man is going to produce over the next five years. I would like to know what will be acceptable to them and in addition what they expect the man to achieve. I suspect that 6-5 or 6-6 and 4-4 in the ACC will satisfy them. Will they be happy to lose five more to Uga? How long (if ever) will their patience run out?...or will their satisfaction that they are the "true" Tech fans carry them along?
Three cheers for another "lol FOCers are satisfied with 6 win seasons haha" thread.

Thanks for your contribution.
Three cheers for another "lol FOCers are satisfied with 6 win seasons haha" thread.

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Actually, it is kind of funny. Now why don't you answer his question?
Why don't you log off and forget the URL?

I've made it perfectly clear for a few years now that I'm not satisfied with mediocrity, and I don't owe you another walkthrough of my opinion. The problem with the stupidity that is these sorts of threads is that they assume that people who support Chan are happy with a middle-of-the-road finish year-in and year-out. No actual Tech fan enjoys only having 7 wins a season.

The only thing that the opposing sides of this argument have in common is that they want to see Tech succeed. The people who want Chan gone believe we can't do so until Chan is out, and the people who support him believe that we can succeed with him here. The problem with some of the people that are against Chan is that they decide inside their own minds that people who support him enjoy mediocrity, and they do so even through the supporters making it clear that they want Tech to improve.

I decided last year that I was done arguing with people about why Chan should stay/go, because it's so utterly mindless.
Great post. The debate is or should be about whether people think Chan will get us where we want to be. These "accepting mediocrity" posts are BS. The only difference in what people want for Tech is timing.
And how do you see anything with CG being different in the next 5 years? What do you expect him to do, assuming what has happened up to this point is "mediocre?" Do you expect him to make some coaching changes? Recruit better? Anything specific? Why would he suddenly behave differently than he has for 4 years?

Any insight?
I\'ll give an honest answer ...

I expect Chan to hold the team together until our current AD takes his fat butt and walks off of our campus for the last time. Then I expect us to go get an AD that actually puts forth a positive attitude toward our football program ... and one that will fight the hill to allow a couple of "marginal" recruits in every class. Not many, perhaps 2-3 total per class ... a Carlos Thomas, a Marcus Ball, that kind of thing. Then with that positive attitude and an actual ability to recruit I want to see what Gailey can do. If we don't like it then we can get another coach at that time. But if we try to get another coach right now, that guy would simply get a few punches in the gut from Braine and the hill as soon as he walked through the door and we'd have more of the same football. Think about it. If Gailey can have a winning season every year with all the crap that has gone on, what could he do if he's not getting stabbed in the back constantly by his bosses.
Why don't you give us your prediction for Chan's next five years? Do you think he will have more ACC wins than losses? Will he ever beat Georgia? You are happy with him but not happy with seven wins so do you think he is going to improve on that number? I hope he makes staff changes and is successful but I have little confidence that will happen. I feel we will continue to muddle along at the present pace and maybe, just maybe beat Uga once in Chan's nine years. That's my feeling, what's yours?

In the next five years, he will have more wins than losses in the ACC and he will beat UGA. That is my prediction.
Re: I\'ll give an honest answer ...

I expect Chan to hold the team together until our current AD takes his fat butt and walks off of our campus for the last time. Then I expect us to go get an AD that actually puts forth a positive attitude toward our football program ... and one that will fight the hill to allow a couple of "marginal" recruits in every class. Not many, perhaps 2-3 total per class ... a Carlos Thomas, a Marcus Ball, that kind of thing. Then with that positive attitude and an actual ability to recruit I want to see what Gailey can do. If we don't like it then we can get another coach at that time. But if we try to get another coach right now, that guy would simply get a few punches in the gut from Braine and the hill as soon as he walked through the door and we'd have more of the same football. Think about it. If Gailey can have a winning season every year with all the crap that has gone on, what could he do if he's not getting stabbed in the back constantly by his bosses.

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This is EXACTLY the way I feel. Great summary. We need new blood and we need it fast. Braine's radio comments the other day might have been the dumbest PR thing I've heard in awhile.
I favored the extension, although without the Dave Braine speech. I'll give it a shot at answering your question.

In the next five years I expect Chan to figure out how to have a more productive offense. I expect him to analyze his decision to be the play caller and stay so involved with the offense. I hope he will recognize the wisdom of hiring an Offensive Coordinator who brings to the O what Tenuta has brought to the D. If not, he better be right.

I expect the QB decision after Reggie's graduation to be crucial. I hope he has recruited and will develop an effective QB for the future.

I expect correction of special teams problems.

I expect Chan to anticipate that Tenuta will not likely stay here for the entire five years and be prepared to replace him effectively.

I expect the contract extension to help him recruit better athletes beginning with the next year's class, signed in February of 2007.

I expect to see more consistent effort week by week.

I believe that as the contract runs its course we can expect at least two seasons of 9 or more wins. There should be noone on the schedule that beats us every year for five years. We should compete for division, conference, and national championships and quality bowls. That does not mean they are guaranteed, but we should realistically compete all the time with everyone.

With long tenure Chan should become more comfortable with the GT family and enjoy being with Tech people. He has to find ways to motivate and unite.

I expect a lot. But, I think he had to have this extension to be able to move toward accomplishing these goals.
That's a good, if highly optimistic answer and I hope you are right. We'll see quickly how things are going to unfold, with staff changes or no staff changes at the end of this season.
Yes, I believe he will have more ACC wins than losses. Yes, I believe we will beat Georgia - and I believe we will do that more than once. I obviously believe he will improve on the 7 wins number if I want to keep him here.
What I expect from GT football:

1. The ability to constantly score 24 points or more a game.
2. The ability to recruit top scholastic athletes.
3. Not finsh second to last in recruiting.
4. Average 7-8 wins a year before the bowl game.
5. Participate in the Gator or Peach 1 out of 3 years
6. Participate in the BCS ever 5-6 years.
7. Compete for the ACC every 3 years.
8. To atleast beat ugay 50% of the time.
9. Must compete for the ACC next year.

Is this asking to much? How long should a couch be giving after they have been at GT 4 years?