What does the next 3 weeks hold for GT?


Helluva Engineer
Aug 29, 2003
I believe this is an important time for our football program. We have the additional time to work with the younger players and fine tune areas of concern.

I stated last night and stand by it today, our ST coach has to go. ST's has been a big detriment(sp) for us ALL year long. Football has 3 phases and ST's are one of the three. It seems we do not take this phase as being important IMO.

I know this is not popular, but I say we look at the QB situation. If TB is given a true chance and can not over take RB then fine I can live with it. To be good on offense and to be consistent you must have a QB with poise. The thing I was most disappointed with RB last night besides the three turnovers was the fact that he got involved in a jawing match AGAIN! As a team leader you just can not do that. RB has guts and fire I will give him that, but IMO he does not have the composure needed to be a great QB and leader. I truly hope he proves me wrong next year if he is our QB.

I believe an OC would greatly benefit CCG. I thought he should have tried to get the ball to CJ more last night. We only threw 4 balls his way. I realize they were rolling over the top with a safety to doubel him, but they were also giveing him an 8-10 yard cushion a lot.

I think the next three weeks could propel us into a great year next year IMO.