What goes around, comes around...


► Ģŏ ʝąҁʞεɫʂ ◄
Oct 30, 2002
Just a little perspective...

We've been dishing the poop for the last 3 months on all the goings-on at the cesspool. Now the tables have turned. If all this stuff if true, we are gonna hear it for a while (we already have from the State and UVA fans).

The point is, there is no double-standard. We dished it like there was no tomorrow. Now it's our turn to feel what it's like on the dark side of the bridge.
i disagree with that a little bit.

it took a disgruntled player to expose what was going on in uga. if tony cole had not been thrown out of the team .. harrick would still be at uga.

we police ourselves.

there's a huge difference in my eyes.
True. I'm not saying our mess is even in the same area code as what's happened at UGA (or F$U). Just meant we can't get too defensive when the Mutts start flaming us (especially now that they have 9 more ineligible players of their own).

This reallys stings, but in the long run it will be better for Tech as a whole to filter the bad blood out like this instead of letting these guys slide by and risk getting in hot water with the NCAA.
no need to get defensive ..

we'll fight em off together!

if nothing works .. this does -->