What if an SA had to pay back the school.....


Jolly Good Fellow
Oct 16, 2004
What are your thoughts out there about what would happen if a student athalete had to pay back the school if they became academically ineligable during their particular sports season. These SA's are given a free ride as far as the cost of tuition & etc...but these rights are given in exchange for their performance on the playing field & when they can't keep up their end of the bargin they have failed in that arrangement...I understand that is how SA's lose their scholarships but if there was a immediate financial repercussion the SA's may take it to heart a little more... Especially when extra measures are taken to keep these kids elegible and in school....(tutors, study halls, etc...)
Just wanted to get some thoughts...I know that the ones who do flunk out are the exception and I am not arguing that the SA's don't deserve all the extra help but on the other end of the spectrum, I wonder what the bottom line dollar amount that is lost by a university b/c of a SA becoming inelegible? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twocents.gif
They would never go

anywhere with a liklihood of failing out.

Take only the minimal risks.

VPI Apparel resource management would make them huge.
More athletes would major in ART and MUSIC

Very, Very Few would continue to major in Business Admin.
Here at Florida the Favorite is Family Youth Consumer Sciences...

If they had to pay back anything, they'd likely switch to majoring in PE. How do you fail PE or Coaching??

GT Vandy NW Cal Stanford might have to give up sports alltogether.

Re: They would never go

You'd also have almost every kid staying in state if they had any concerns or thoughts of leaving early. Why risk out of state tuition?
Re: They would never go

Here at Florida the Favorite is Family Youth Consumer Sciences...

[/ QUOTE ]

Please post some of the classes for that one! I'm betting there are some REAL gems in there! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif