What is the head coaches responsibity?


Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 7, 2003
So its been a while since we've had a post like this (I think, unless one slipped by me), so lets get out some expectations. This is not about whether Gailey is going to get fired or extended, or whatever, theres plenty of other threads for that at the moment. Obviously those issues will influence the thread, I'd be be a fool to think otherwise, but try to keep this remotely civil, and remove Gailey & co from this as much as possible. So the question... what is the HC responsible for? Some say everything, some say putting players in the right position, others putting in the right staff.

My view is that everything comes to the HC eventually, it just takes time to get their. If part of the team is undisciplined or underdeveloped, its the responsibility of the staff in charge of those positions, if not changes are made for a while, it goes up the chain to the OC/DC/ST whatever, if no changes then, the HC is responsible.

Recruiting, always goes to the HC, thats just the way it is. The assistants should set them up and the HC should take care of closing the deal if needed.

On the field issues, true, the coaching staff can only put players in the right position to make plays, but if those players are consistantly not making plays, then it starts coming up the line.

Thoughts/questions/vulgar remarks?
The head coach is the CEO of the team. He is responsible for hiring the right assistants and for marketing his product
He has to learn to delegate responsibility so he has to hire someone he can trust while he is overseeing the entire field and only helping when needed
He should also have a personality and be readily available to the media and fans to help sell his product
My opinion matches yours, exactly.

The funny thing is, until CG was hired, academic progression and class attendance was also the realm of the HC. I thought it odd at the time that Braine made an emphasized point that CG would have nothing to do with academics.
Agreed about the media responsibilities. I was going to include that in the part about recruiting, since I think they're very similiar in process/result, just a bigger audience.
The funny thing is, until CG was hired, academic progression and class attendance was also the realm of the HC. I thought it odd at the time that Braine made an emphasized point that CG would have nothing to do with academics.

[/ QUOTE ]

My feelings too, Why do you think this decision was made?
I'd bet any amount that C Moore had a hand in that. Academic types never trust athletics and I would assume O'Leary went about making sure kids were eligible the same way he went at everything else...direct and to the point. I'm sure they were very uncomfortable with him. OTOH, it also appears that some (many?) players under O'Leary were eligible, but had no real chance to graduate. So there was probably a genuine reason to get the athletic types to back off. Hopefully we've found the happy medium now after letting the pendelum swing too far away from coaching staff involvement.

I believe the academics should make sure kids are taking the right progression of courses and that someone with an understanding of their athletic seasons should help them manage the class load...you know, when to take the tough load and when to lighten up. Then the coaching staff can ride herd to make sure they're going to class, etc., and the advisors can make sure they're passing.
NC I think it goes much deeper than we know.
I also think GOL was involved up to his eyeballs.