What's missing from the GT gameday experience?


Varsity Lurker
Feb 5, 2002
What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

I want you to think about what's missing from the
GT gameday experience that you think it absolutely college football?

1. RV's that roll into the Trade School on Thursday Night.
2. Non-concrete Tailgating locations.
3. More Typical Fans who "Come Early, Be Loud, Stay Late, Wear Gold"

Your Thoughts,
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

Number 3.

Tech campus has plenty of green spaces to tailgate. I prefer the parking lot behind the
Boggs Chemistry building. RV's trying to park on campus on Thursday?? Are you nuts?? This is downtown Atlanta, man, not podunk Mississippi.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

No I'm not nuts, but I know of a 46,000 student school with about 20,000 parking spaces that accomodates such fans. Besides they could park out at AMC in PO1, those lots are NEVER full.

I was a Chem Major, so I know about the Boggs tailgators, but tailgaiting goes better in grass/shade/ or a well designed plaza. Ref. "The Grove" or NC Fairgrounds or anywhere at UNC.
I can't wait for Peters' Parking Deck to be torn down.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

Number 3 is the biggest thing that we can improve on. Making it more than just a game experience, but making it an event.

I'm fortunate that I live as close as I do. I'm an hour away on a normal Sat drive from my house. Even when the games are at night I plan on getting there mid morning. I realize with kids and family that's not always easy. There are other things going on. It's been a long time since I've had to pay to park being there before parking attendents arrive. When I walk to Jacket Alley I'll pay anyways.

Experience Penn State Football games from time to time because my grandfather and grandmother are grads. It's such an event. Unreal. Hard for me to plan because I go to all GT home games and most away games. Like this year the Sat after GT plays Maryland, I'll be going up to State College. Fly in on Friday night and thousands are RV's have already filled a huge grass field. People come from all over that large state to attend the football game. 110,000 fans really cheer. There aren't people telling you to sit there. There are people all over the place cooking out everywhere on game day. There are bands having mini concerts. Sure a lot of people go home after the game, but I'd say most stick around depending on the time of the game ending. It's more than just going to see a football game.

Two hours before a GT kickoff there is Jacket Alley where the players arrive at BDS. I'd say a thousand fans show up? Hard to tell. It's awesome though. Wish more fans would come.

Have noticed over the last five years more and more people tailgating. Hope that trend continues. It's a great place to be on a fall day!!

I'm camping out with some others Friday night on campus before the Vandy game.

Getting there early and staying late is a lot of fun for me.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

The tailgating is better than it used to be. The crowds are better than they used to be. No, we don't have a bunch of RV's show up on Thursday night, like many of the SEC schools. But we have a unique campus environment in a unique setting (downtown Atlanta). I think that we've done a good job of capitalizing on that in recent years. Tearing down Peter's Parking Deck would be helpful. I've always hated that thing.

The best thing we can do is to show up IN the stadium before kickoff and provided sustained noise throughout the game while our team is on defense. In some games, we've done that. In others, we have not.

There's alot of grass around the campus, which is surprising. I don't think we take enough advantage of it for tailgating purposes. But, showing up and yelling at the game is the most important thing.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

There are a lot of grassy spots around GT campus, and agree with you on Peters Park. That's been good tailgating and parking for football. Have tailgated with Goldtimer and others there several times. Not sure how many people that deck holds. Where are they going to move those people when it's torn down? O'keefe wouldn't be large enough. Maybe they'll be moved over to the new decks being built across hwy in the management complexes. I've never purchases a spot at Peters. Get that notice. As I recall it's $1,000 for a parking pass there if you have the priority. I will like concrete taken away and that being a nice park.

A story about how tailgating has become more popular: During most of the 90's I tailgated in the grass lawn across from the architural building. The only fans most of the time were our small group of friends. The lot at Architecture filled up pretty quick with a few tailgating, but not a lot. Now both the lawn and lot are pretty packed with tailgaters. Hadn't been down there in a few years until last year. Was glad to see that! There are more RVs around campus as well. Some friend of mine stay in there RV both Friday and Sat night for every game. There are good places for rvs. Heck the FSU and UGAg people fill the coliseum parking lots with RVs night before when they are in town.

The RV thing is not just SEC schools. There are a lot of ACC teams that you'll see a lot of RVs at. Been to games in a lot of differnent conferences and seen RVs. Talk to the GT people that do it. Being in Atlanta doesn't effect it. In a way it makes it easier. The roads are good with easy access on and off express ways. There will be a day when I will have one to take to all the GT games home and away.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

I wanted to add one more thing. Pre-game activities can take on many different forms at Tech. At different times, I've tried them all. I've done the regular tailgating thing. I've hung out at my old fraternity house. I've gone to the Varsity. I've drank beer at Rocky Mountain Pizza. I've showed up for the Yellow Jacket Alley. I've even taken Marta and walked to the stadium directly into the game. It's all fun to me.

I understand that it looks impressive to see tailgaters all over the campus and I agree. But, as long as the people who show up have a good time, it doesn't matter what they do.

My father is a UGA grad and I grew up going to Athens and tailgating with him and my mother. When I started taking him to the occasional Tech game back in the 90's, he was surprised and very impressed. He liked the campus and the stadium. He was really impressed with the renovation of the West Stands in the early 90's.

So, we need to be proud of what we have.

If there's one thing that we lack...it's probably that there aren't enough of us. We need more fans and a larger fan base quick. This expansion hopefully will help us accomodate that.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

CrackerJacket, I've been tailgating at O'Keefe now for three years. It has gotten crowded. Have always brought a cooler and chairs sitting with different people. Unless you get to O'keefe real early there is no place to set up a tent. Those spots are gone soon. I bought a grill last year, but never used it. It's just like the one Goldtimer has. Love it, but hate that dang red color!!! I purchased a tent too. Will probably be looking for a new place to tailgate as well. Most of those people that set up tents at O'keefe under the trees have been doing it for years. I don't want to take anyones favorite spot. I'm going to investigate another spot on fan day probably.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

Originally posted by GTg8r:
"No I'm not nuts, but I know of a 46,000 student school with about 20,000 parking spaces that accomodates such fans. Besides they could park out at AMC in PO1, those lots are NEVER full."
Come on gator, if you're talking about UF, thats in Gainesville, FL for God's sake. The middle of nowhere.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

We definitely need more of #3. No doubt about it.

SWMBO and I will have an RV one day that we'll use
for GT and FSU games. We just started serious
tailgating on GT campus this past season. (I
finally got around to getting the tent, chairs,
grill, and etc.) O'Keefe is too crowded and we'll
be searching for options this coming season.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

Hey Terrific:

If you find another tailgating spot, I hope you won't be a stranger at O'Keefe. Make sure you come by and see us!
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

Originally posted by GTTerrific:
CrackerJacket, I've been tailgating at O'Keefe now for three years. It has gotten crowded. Have always brought a cooler and chairs sitting with different people. Unless you get to O'keefe real early there is no place to set up a tent. Those spots are gone soon. I bought a grill last year, but never used it. It's just like the one Goldtimer has. Love it, but hate that dang red color!!! I purchased a tent too. Will probably be looking for a new place to tailgate as well. Most of those people that set up tents at O'keefe under the trees have been doing it for years. I don't want to take anyones favorite spot. I'm going to investigate another spot on fan day probably.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">SWMBO and I met you and Goldtimer this past season
down in the Philips deck. We should get together
some more this coming season and see if we can get
a new area started up.

I actually parked my car down at O'Keefe the night
before the UGA game. I backed it right up to a
good space to set up. When I got there the next
morning someone had already set up camp right off
my rear bumper and I had to move elsewhere.

I've met a few of the O'Keefe folks but for the
most part its tough to break into the clique. I'm
not complaining. Those folks have been tailgating
together for quite awhile and its obvious.

GTMoose and BeatUGA were really nice and Coldbeer
and Kacey actually came over and spoke to SWMBO
and I for a bit before the UGA game.

Still...Its definitely time to stake out and claim
a new spot and grow a new group of regulars.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

Quote from Ramblinwise1
Come on gator, if you're talking about UF, thats in Gainesville, FL for God's sake. The middle of nowhere.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Hey Ramblinwise1,
You're absolutely right G'ville is the middle of nowhere, but most of the RV's are from Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Birmingham, Mobile, Baton Rouge, and Charlotte even Nashville and Chattanooga.

What I want to see in the next five years is GT football become the biggest event on our fans,alums, and students' schedules.

The Bull Gators don't show up until Saturday, it's the average Gator yokel that has his vactions set up to get to G'ville on Thursday night to relax, watch Espn, and get ready for his beloved Gators.
I, for one, will be in ATL by 6pm on Friday night until I graduate. Then it'll be Fly-in to ATL by 5pm, on campus by 7pm, Having fun with old friends pn Thursday night.
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

Originally posted by GTTerrific:
CrackerJacket, I've been tailgating at O'Keefe now for three years. It has gotten crowded. Have always brought a cooler and chairs sitting with different people. Unless you get to O'keefe real early there is no place to set up a tent. Those spots are gone soon. I bought a grill last year, but never used it. It's just like the one Goldtimer has. Love it, but hate that dang red color!!! I purchased a tent too. Will probably be looking for a new place to tailgate as well. Most of those people that set up tents at O'keefe under the trees have been doing it for years. I don't want to take anyones favorite spot. I'm going to investigate another spot on fan day probably.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I will make you a deal Terrific. I will pay you $5 to guard my usual spot at OKeefe. Then I will come down 30 minutes prior to kickoff with the tent, chairs, grill, etc. like all the folks that park in Peters Parking Deck.

Sound like a deal? With the $5 you should be able to get into most games, ala "Bulldog Style."
Re: What\'s missing from the GT gameday experience?

I only started tailgating in earnest last season with The Hive gang at O'Keefe, hanging out with the AFRJackets, BeatUGA her Hedgeclipper, Dan Dykes' folks, and others.

They have gone out of their way to make me feel welcome and I have really enjoyed hanging out with them.

What I would like to see is more GT sponsored pre-game events. Yellow Jacket Alley is great, but it needs to be a bit of a longer alley than from the corner to the entrance of the Edge Center. Hopefully when that street is finished, they can do a bit of a longer walk.

The band and cheerleaders need to roam the campus a couple of hours before YJA and encourage people to get down there when the team arrives. Also having the band and cheerleaders roam around and lead impromtu pep rallies will get the fans already there fired up for the game.

There are plenty of other stuff I cannot even think of, but tailgating is becoming more and more popular. With the team winning and the stadium expanding, I think we will see even more tailgating than ever before.

Back in the '80s when I came up from Macon, we would get there an hour before kickoff, park on North Avenue about a block from the stadium and walk on in. Now you need to get there at least three hours before kickoff just to park. Period.

Man, I'm getting pumped already!!!
