When does Spring practice start?

Its start is pending a new tradition where the entire team is loaded onto buses, driven into downtown Athens and dropped off. They'll be instructed that they will not be allowed to rejoin the team until they return wearing a necklace adorned with no fewer than ten human kneecaps and four English Bulldog kneecaps. It doesn't matter how they get them, this isn't about proper tackling or whatever, it's about something else entirely. A darker matter. If they come back to campus without this, any athletic scholarship will be revoked and they will be kicked off the team. Classes are still their responsibility during this practice.
Its start is pending a new tradition where the entire team is loaded onto buses, driven into downtown Athens and dropped off. They'll be instructed that they will not be allowed to rejoin the team until they return wearing a necklace adorned with no fewer than ten human kneecaps and four English Bulldog kneecaps. It doesn't matter how they get them, this isn't about proper tackling or whatever, it's about something else entirely. A darker matter. If they come back to campus without this, any athletic scholarship will be revoked and they will be kicked off the team. Classes are still their responsibility during this practice.
and if they get caught, we've never heard of them.
Its start is pending a new tradition where the entire team is loaded onto buses, driven into downtown Athens and dropped off. They'll be instructed that they will not be allowed to rejoin the team until they return wearing a necklace adorned with no fewer than ten human kneecaps and four English Bulldog kneecaps. It doesn't matter how they get them, this isn't about proper tackling or whatever, it's about something else entirely. A darker matter. If they come back to campus without this, any athletic scholarship will be revoked and they will be kicked off the team. Classes are still their responsibility during this practice.

Delete this post in one hour
In before CPJ says "I don't know how to stop the fumbles. I can't play the game for them"