when should we know who the new ad is?


Varsity Lurker
Sep 5, 2005
im not sure how the process goes, but does any one know when we should be finding out who our new ad is?
Pocket. I know you're jesting, but I would imagine it WILL take some time.

BEElieve me, I'm as impatient (or more so) than the next Jacketfan, but it hasn't even been a week since Braine announced his retirement. That will be Wednesday...a week from the start of this process.

As Tom Petty said "The waiting is the hardest part..."


As Tom Petty said "The waiting is the hardest part..."


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Well done!
I actually believe that there is a very good chance that no one will be named until after signing day.
That would remove any possible questions or pressure about making immediate major staff changes.
What is it with the Tom Patty quotes?/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I actually believe that there is a very good chance that no one will be named until after signing day.

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You believe what you want to believe. (You see, you don't have to live like a refugee.)
I would hope nothing will be announced until after signing day. I mean, that's only 2 weeks away. With the amount of interest in the position we need to be sure we get the right man for the job. Rushing anything is stupid. Even if we end up with whoever Clough favors right now, we owe it to ourselves to take a good long look at the candidates.