Where are the uga surrender cobras?

2 out of the last 3 is terrible. We should really consider dropping them from our schedule to save ourselves the embarrassment.
I'm very disappointed at the lack of dejected crowd shots. The one of those Raiders wannabes in the Mad Max outfits is the only one that I've seen.

Here's one that I found in a "Sad Fans of College Football" video.

Edit: Dang, beat me to it. Still, worth posting twice. :-) I think the girl behind cobra-guy's right arm is crying. Fat guy is still jolly. Titleist hat guy is stunned. Guy in the bottom left is just confused.


Cant tell if that guy is more upset that no one confused him with Tiger Woods all day despite the considerable effort, or that his team just lost to a team with a bunch of white guys in the secondary.