Well, this win definitely pulls Tech out of that logjam of 6 win teams now (as I state the obvious) ...Peach perhaps?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate to sound selfish lil brother but I would love to see them copme back to Orlando, BUT I think after tonight we may have really helped our bowl selection.
Anything can happen....

But FSU should go Peach and Miami will obviously take the Gator.
Re: Anything can happen....

Things will become much clearer after next weekend...if we beat ugag and F$U loses to the Gators(Gay-tors as one ugag fan holding up a sign a few years ago likes to call them) then they are looking at a likely 7-5 season. I think the Peach would want us at 8-3 with three HUGE wins over F$U in that case, even with their prestige.
Re: Anything can happen....

When We Beat Georgia...And FSU loses to Florida and Virginia Tech...The Peach may want to consider their Hometown Yellow Jackets.

Bring On Those Damned Dirty Dawgs!!!
At 8-3 we could go to the Gator and Miami could

Play AU. I just don't think they rematch us with Auburn.
Re: At 8-3 we could go to the Gator and Miami could

A Peach bowl with GT and SC would be interesting ...but the Clemson loss probably slides the Gamecocks down a notch.

Alabama maybe?
Re: At 8-3 we could go to the Gator and Miami could

I'd Say Alabama over Auburn or maybe even SC.

But We Got to Get There First.

Bring On Those BitchA$$ Mutts
Except that it looks like AU will probably get the Citrus Bowl and play Ohio St.(just my guess). I'm guessing we would face Florida or South Carolina in the Peach.
It puts us in the only damn bowl game that matters.

The "Clean Old Fashion Hate" Bowl. I don't give a damn about anything else.

Re: FWIW....

FWIW, filling hotels won't be a consideration for the Peach Bowl this year. In three consecutive days, the GA Dome will have the Peach Bowl, ATL vs. CAR, and the Sugar Bowl.
damn after the peach the acc bowls suck.....

we have better teams now and deserve much better bowls..

that being said, my guess is tire - against the big eat (sigh)..who is 3rd in the BE?
A W on Saturday and the Gator or Peach will make for a great bowl.

In the unlikely event of an L, I hope we get slighted by the bowls. I think FSU and Miami would then get those slots in Gator and Peach. Although I would like to go to Charlotte, I think they prefer Clemson or NC State. Therefore, I hope Orlando and Boise pick BC, UVA, and or MD-NCSU ahead of us. Why? I would rather go to Nashville or Memphis.
Did you all read the gtsportsblog which quoted the Peach Bowl chairman implying that if we beat Ugag and Ugag lost the SEC championship then we could be setup to play each other in the Peach Bowl. How great is that?
I personally don't think much of it.

When Tech defeats UGA on Saturday night, 8pm, BDS@HGF, I really don't care to play 'em again in the same year. The opponent, of course, would be an SEC team ...I'd rather face an Alabama or South Carolina.