Where to sit


Varsity Lurker
Oct 6, 2002
Im looking at ticks for the Clem game at Ramblinwreck.com, only tickets appear to be the Visitors endzone, which is more GT friendly the Section 110 111 area or the 215-218? Thanks for any help
Originally posted by Chanisdaman:
Im looking at ticks for the Clem game at Ramblinwreck.com, only tickets appear to be the Visitors endzone, which is more GT friendly the Section 110 111 area or the 215-218? Thanks for any help
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Check around. May be able to get better if you look around a little bit. If you are only taking 2, I'd buy from a scalper at the game - used to pick 'em up in the old days that way at face or below. Have not done that in a while, don't know if the cops are more of a force nowdays.

Or maybe you could call Braine for some comps. Tell him that you are a big Tiger fan and you may get a chairback.
Sorry, didn't answer the question. Both locations are good to me. I'd like to sit in the new north because it's new and I still have memories of sitting in the old north beating Clempsom and fridge. Just don't get in the southern most part of the upper deck if you want to see the big screen.