Where to watch the replay of GT- ND?


Dr. Dunkingstein
Feb 24, 2004
I won't be able to watch the game live, so no one post anything until Sunday noon.

That being said, does NBC run full game replays? Or does espn3 pick them up second hand?

Where can I watch the replay Saturday night?
I won't be able to watch the game live, so no one post anything until Sunday noon.

That being said, does NBC run full game replays? Or does espn3 pick them up second hand?

Where can I watch the replay Saturday night?

We're recording GTCrew4b reading play-by-play in sexy voice. It'll be up in 2015 games thread by saturday night.
It'll be replaying in the minds of Notre Dame fans for decades to come. Not sure what kind of cable you need for that, though.
Best not log onto ST until Sunday noon.


I am likely to be busy for the broadcast, but am hoping to have it set up for upload early Sunday like last week.

I would guess that ESPN 3 might have it as it involves an ACC team, but wouldn't put money on that.
I typically search YouTube and filter videos longer than 20 minutes and from the last day or week. It should filter out highlight videos and anything that can be a spoiler. Just don't read comments or description.
ESPN3 has the ND UVA game up now. You should be able to get it there.

EDIT: Meh... that was at UVA. Sorry. Still can't say for sure.
Does Comcast sports net show replays? I have a comcast loggin.
GT Bob has already commented ITT...

Oh, gotcha. Don't know his username, so I wasn't aware. Regardless, I'd imagine that's one of the the best bets.

Also, props to GTBob... you da man! Watching your Tulane upload as I type this.
That was @UVA and as such belongs to the ESPN/ACC package. I don't think they'll have NBC games.

I have never seen full length nbc games on YouTube. I wonder if Bob will have to make this one private to keep it on YouTube. ....
NBC is notorious about yanking stuff from Youtube. Try to find an old SNL skit...
I wish I could find some of the Navy ND games, particularly the 07 game.

I wouldn't mind watching last year's game. Looks like their BB got a lot of carries/yards and QB not so much, but that's just from box scores. Also look like they were about 33% completion percentage and I'd like to see what was going on with the pass plays. And basically just see what BVG was doing to defend everything.
GT Bob, wherever you are, thanks for posting the Tulane game to YouTube.