Where you sit


Helluva Engineer
Feb 19, 2002
If you are not able to find visitors tickets to an away game and you end up sitting in the opponent's section, does that really give them any right to verbally harass you?

I am asking this because the only game I have been fortunate enough to go to was an away game and this was brought up today on the hive.
A little good-natured banter doesn't bother me. There is a difference between having some fun and downright harassment.

I've never really had a problem in an opponent's stadium. But then again, I tend to keep a low profile and cheer and yell at appropriate times...and I don't bait the opposition either. In many cases, I've seen people get what they give.
I've always been fine as long as I didn't bait
people. The guys who give me a hard time don't
say much when we win and I silently point at the
score board.
I went to the UVa game last year and I had a great time. I was wearing the colors and had some great conversations with the people around me. I believe most of the people around me were sober.

The problem is when you get in a bad area whether it is at home or away. You get some drunk a**holes then it can upset the game watching experience.
In '92 I went to the UGAg game over there and sat in the middle of the home section surrounded by school teachers. I yelled my head off. A few struck up conversation but it was congenial for the most part.

As the game wore on and the Jack Daniels bottle emptied 1 or 2 got a little snottier but all in all they were cordial. I enjoyed it when some asked me if I was a Tech grad and what I did and I got to brag a little.
I was in the better area and was only bothered after the game by a drunk fan. He was hapily the exception. The remainder of the fans were friendly, even if it was only to be tolerable. I was at the FSU Game.

I am also planning on attending a couple home games this season and maybe the Clemson Game. If I do, I am likely to just wing it and not take a hotel room, but if I do not, does anyone have any reccomendations for hotels in the Clemson area? Also, is it difficult to get a room around there without a reservation?
Having lived for three years in nearby Greenville, SC I would think it would be pretty tough to secure a room on a football weekend in Clemson. Why not just stay in Greenville? It's only 45 mins away. Or maybe Anderson? Both are decent sized towns and Greenville has gotten to be quite the progressive little Southern city.

BTW, where do you live?? You sound like you're several hours away from Atlanta like me. I'm just planning on two home games this year, the most in YEARS!
