Where's the official information on the parking changes???


beware the zealot
Dec 17, 2001
Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

I've heard a lot of guff about this but I haven't seen a press release or received anything in the mail. I'm a season ticket holder and an AT contributor. Where do I have to park, Conyers?
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

Don't worry, it's just another GTAA shake-down.
Remember... there's no "I" in MO MONEY.
Man, I wish we had someone like Arthur Blank, using common sense, to make decisions down at GT.
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

Here ye go, Ramblinwise1. Read it and weep:
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

Maybe it's just me and I have to admit I don't make it down for games, but I still don't see what's wrong with this plan. Seems that if you are a season ticket holder you get a good parking space if you want to buy the season pass. If you don't you can hunt on game day. It also means only GT fans will be in the close in parking.

So what am I missing?
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

Parking pass for $35 only to GT Football season ticket holders who contribute to the A-T Fund at the Alexander and Dodd levels. What level is that? $500 per year?



Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

According to the letter you had to pay to park in those lots last year anyway right? At $35 for 6 games it is basically about $6 per game. What was the charge before?
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

It was $5 to park on the Student Center Deck and other pay lots last year. $35 for the season parking pass($6 per game) is not bad, but it seams one must contribute $500 per year to the A-T Fund to be eligible for the pass. THAT is the problem. Assuming that: Alexander and Dodd contribution level = $500

Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???


it appears that $250 is the magic number
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

ncjacket, I'm a seson ticket holder but I'm only in the Member circle so I'm a GT season ticket holder 'hunting' for a space. Had no idea about all this at the time I contributed.

So back to ramblinwise's important question that hasn't been answered: Does anyone know where the public can park at after these changes are put into place??? (Other than Conyers. I've already got a spot there, and it sucks for gameday.
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

The problem people are having over this isn't the money. There are other places to park around campus as well. People that usually tailgate at places like O'keefe don't like this because this new plan is breaking up a party, so to speak. No one is really sure what pass they will be given.

The money isn't really an issue. This is just an inconvenience to people that have tailgated with the same people over the years at these designated lots. On top of that these lots don't open till 4 hours before the game. For some people that's no problem. For me it not too cool. I'm always there long before that. I enjoy making an entire day out of the game. For an 8PM night game that's 4 the lots will open. 10 years ago not many people tailgated or made a day event out of a game. Now a lot of people do. This isn't encuraging that kind of game day atmosphere that a lot of us love.

I sent off the slip and asked for AMC lot. Did it not really being sure if that's where I want to be honestly. Just wanted to make sure it was post marked ASAP. If they stick to the 4 hour deal, I'll more than likely be parking and tailgating elsewhere. At least I have a place to park, if this goes as planned, and for some crazy reason I can't be real early like I like to be.

Some of us were planning on camping out at O'keefe Friday night before the Vandy game. Some people were coming from out of town in there RV's for the event. There is another spot somewhere that is suitable I'm sure. We'll have to just hunt.

When I first heard about this I wasn't too happy. Pretty upset honestly. I've calmed down now. In some ways this plan will help parking for people. Have always been concerned about what was going to happen when they take down Peters Parking Deck.

When FSU and UGag come into town they take over the AMC lot on Friday. They'll be parking scattered all over campus now. Everyone will be walking past their RVs going to the game. I like the fact that the lot will now be used by GT fans, but I don't like the fact that I'll see them all over the place honestly.
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

I read in the "2002 GT Football Ticket Information" packet that there will be 34 new executive suites in the reconfigured East and North Stands with parking priviledges included. Maybe this is the deal with the GTAA's new parking plan. Anyone that can afford an executive suite won't have any problem contributing $250(Dodd level) or $500(Alexander level) to the A-T Fund along with their season tickets purchase.


I never could understand how someone would want to watch a ball game from a glass enclosed room. I would envision it as about the same as watching it on TV at home.
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

Let's keep in mind that they will re-evaluate this policy before the 2003 season. They'll need to because next year, we'll have 55K for at least 3 of our home games (UGA,Clem,Aub). It may be an inconvenience for many of us. But in the end, those affected will just move their tailgate somewhere else. Tailgating on this campus has improved dramatically in the last decade or so. I expect it to keep getting better regardless of the parking.
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

I don't think this is money driven honestly. $35 for 6 games isn't a lot. I'm not sure how many people give at the Dodd and Alexander Levels, but it's more than 1100 spots this plan effects. I truly believe this is an effort to be more accomidating when the stadium is expanded. UGA, FSU, AUB, and such will bring a lot of fans. I could buy into all this a lot better if they(GTAA)would stop trying to hender me tailgating on game day. It's the 4 hour deal when they are opening these lots that gets me.

It's cool that they are giving me a spot to park for games for 35 bucks. Like that idea a lot! My problem is it does me no good if I have to drive up 4 hours before the game. I plan on cooking breakfast at my tailgating spot for Vandy. The parking attendent won't even be awake yet.

I was all torn up over this Friday night, but have cooled down a lot. They wanted these notices to go out in April. That would have been plenty of time to make changes before this season. There were obviously some problems getting the lots "OK'd", so here we are a little over a month before first game dealing with this. Sure there will be some changes to this plan. Can see them tweaking it a bit for the better. I'm chill'n.

There will be another alternative to me tailgating. Maybe I can even give my pass to someone that doesn't tailgate.

Really want to see stadium full!!! Hope this is a step towards helping that. We'll see. This parking deal isn't a finished product yet.
Re: Where\'s the official information on the parking changes???

After the mutt fans shamefully came down and TOOK OVER the Coliseum lot last year, I can understand the desire of the GTAA to keep these lots for Tech fans. However, the extra effort at reeling in the money is a little greasy if you ask me.