Which 4 college stadiums seat more than 100,000?

That is very interesting. I had thought some of these were bigger.
My very first recollection of going to a college football game was when my dad got transferred to Chicago. In his Jacket football starvation, he took me to several Northwestern Wildcat games. (Gawd were they awful) I thought Dyke Stadium was the biggest building in the world!
Now I see that someone changed the name; I wonder why?..and that it only holds 47k. Fascinating.
Don't know about Penn ST and Ohio ST but I know UCLA plays in the Rose bowl. Better than 100K.
Maybe it was SRO but a few years back they announced 100K+ for a Rose Bowl game. That's where I got the 100K from. I don't remember who was playing but believe it to be OState or maybe PState.
If you check the link ACE provided, all questions will be answered. Do you think I knew the seating capacity at Northwestern off the top of my head?
If you check the link ACE provided, all questions will be answered. Do you think I knew the seating capacity at Northwestern off the top of my head?

[/ QUOTE ]

I was going to say the same thing. I thought the Rose Bowl seated 100,000 before I checked the link....then I knew for sure.

Rose Bowl probably fudges their numbers for the New Year's Day game just a little bit.
It isn't mentioned in the article, but Stanford is building a new stadium - going from 85,000 to 50,000. Supposed to be much closer to the action and have much more, and better amenities.
Re: Which 4 college stadiums seat more than 100,00

The funniest one on there is Rice Stadium. Rice, kinda like Duke, used to be great in years gone by. They completed the 70,000 seat stadium right before the houston oilers started up. Now, they say on tours, that it would seat every alumni of Rice University in its history, both dead and alive.
Re: Which 4 college stadiums seat more than 100,00

You could almost, but not quite, pick the top 25 each year just by ranking the stadium capacities. All that shows is that success breeds success; if you win, they will come.
i saw Sanford\'s place in person about 6 years ago

I was out on business meeting with potential investors when we stopped by and toured their campus between meetings. Really impressive campus, but the football stadium looks like the "Before" photos from a PBS episode of "This Old Stadium." I'm pretty sure their bleachers were still wooden.

Total dump.