While not Tech, it is football


Slowly eroding every brain cell
Aug 5, 2009
Prayers out to the family of the quarterback for Roswell High School. He went in for what was supposed to be a simple shoulder surgery to clean up some stuff. the anesthesia went to his brain. He never woke up. Now a mother has to bury her son at Christmas. Sorry if this should be somewhere else, but some things are just bigger than Tech. I can't fathom what his family must be going through at this time.
Somewhat Tech related, as I believe his sister played softball at GT. Just a horrible, unfair thing.
Prayers out to the family of the quarterback for Roswell High School. He went in for what was supposed to be a simple shoulder surgery to clean up some stuff. the anesthesia went to his brain. He never woke up. Now a mother has to bury her son at Christmas. Sorry if this should be somewhere else, but some things are just bigger than Tech. I can't fathom what his family must be going through at this time.
This is awful. Heavenly Father, comfort that family. RIP.
Prayers out to the family of the quarterback for Roswell High School. He went in for what was supposed to be a simple shoulder surgery to clean up some stuff. the anesthesia went to his brain. He never woke up. Now a mother has to bury her son at Christmas. Sorry if this should be somewhere else, but some things are just bigger than Tech. I can't fathom what his family must be going through at this time.
There are just not enough and sufficient words to say to a family suffering a tragedy like that. God, please be with all of them at this terrible time.
There no words in the immediate that help (unfortunately, I know firsthand). What will help this family, especially the parents, is for others to speak about their son, the memories of their son, big & small. I suggest to anyone that knew this young man, when you can, starting in about 3-4 weeks from now, tell these parents your positive rememberances of his life. Do it every time you interact with them. If you have photos or vids or just stories, share them in person, on social media, via phone call or email. That, along with prayer, is what they will need (and want) the most. The pain and tremendous hole never leave, but these memories and testimonies of their son’s life can help.

I would wish no parent ever had to feel what they feel. I wouldn’t wish it on Hitler.
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Prayers out to the family of the quarterback for Roswell High School. He went in for what was supposed to be a simple shoulder surgery to clean up some stuff. the anesthesia went to his brain. He never woke up. Now a mother has to bury her son at Christmas. Sorry if this should be somewhere else, but some things are just bigger than Tech. I can't fathom what his family must be going through at this time.

My prayers go out to this young man's family and friends, and even to the doctors and nurses that were treating him. Tragedies like this make me feel ashamed for getting upset about so many things that are really unimportant.
Life really isn't fair. I look at my two kids and almost have survivor's guilt.