Who approves GT's conference affiliation?


Helluva Engineer
Oct 27, 2009
In all the articles going around about expansion, there's always talk about boards of regents, trustees, etc. ("curators" in the case of Mizzou) having to vote about moving their school's athletic programs to a different conference. In all the cases I've seen, however, those are schools that have a board that just oversees that one institution. (I guess in the case of Texas, one board oversees the University of Texas campuses, another the A&M campuses, and another the Texas Tech campuses, but close enough to one school per board.) Here, we have the disaster known as the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. (Although at least it will soon be chaired by a Tech alum, Willis Potts.) Does the BOR have control over our conference affiliation, or would the Board of Trustees of the GTAA make the decision upon the recommendation of the president (if we get an invitation to go somewhere else)? Anyone old enough to remember who made the decision to join the ACC?
Does the BOR have control over our conference affiliation said:
I think mi amigo, BOR, thinks that it should be up to him . However, those of us who are hoping for the SEC might be worried about his decision.

Seriously, while old enough, I don't recall who had or who currently has the final authority to approve move to another athletic conference.