Who's going to Clempson?

Gonna rain and be cold. Rain should let up just before kick. If I were you, I'd wear your rubbers.
I'll be there. Usually park over on YMCA Circle just cuz its easier than fighting for a spot in town.
I always wear a rubber when I have sex with strange men.

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I was going to head up there to meet a buddy whose mama lives on lake right near there, but he had change of plans and isn't going, and weather looks iffy. Might go to Hudson Grille to watch instead.
I was going to head up there to meet a buddy whose mama lives on lake right near there, but he had change of plans and isn't going, and weather looks iffy. Might go to Hudson Grille to watch instead.
öööö that dude. Just go up and watch the game. Even on the losses I never regretted going up to a game at Clemson. If I wasn't 2000 miles away, I'd be there.
öööö that dude. Just go up and watch the game. Even on the losses I never regretted going up to a game at Clemson. If I wasn't 2000 miles away, I'd be there.
Agreed — one of the best places to lose a game, if such words make any sense. But conversely also a great place to watch a victory.
Agreed — one of the best places to lose a game, if such words make any sense. But conversely also a great place to watch a victory.
I had the chance to go in 2008 on a last minute road trip up there, but didn't because I was focused on getting stuff done for studio. I still regret going to that game (as well as the msu game and vandy games in 09)
I was going to head up there to meet a buddy whose mama lives on lake right near there, but he had change of plans and isn't going, and weather looks iffy. Might go to Hudson Grille to watch instead.

Go provide your friend's mom some company at the lake.
Gonna rain and be cold. Rain should let up just before kick. If I were you, I'd wear your rubbers.
Well, I'm working on a project in Lexington and it's a 7-hour drive. That's a little far to drive to sit in the rain. Guess I'll watch it at a bar.
Unfortunately not me. Though I did throw a Boston Butt on the BGE at 9 last night so that’ll be ready just after Florida fans hopefully finish their celebrations and before Tech goes in dry on Clemson.
öööö that dude. Just go up and watch the game. Even on the losses I never regretted going up to a game at Clemson. If I wasn't 2000 miles away, I'd be there.
This right here. It is my second favorite place to tailgate.