Why are we expanding our stadium?


Flats Noob
Ban Hammer'd
Oct 18, 2002
The truly sad thing is we had an opportunity to capture some non-Tech fans this year with a successful season, a new coach and the new stadium. Gailey's lack of enthusiasm for our program is evident and his inability to adjust to the college game is costing us wins. Combine Tech's season with the magic happening in Athens and BDS is going to look like it did in the early 80's come next year. Our AD is the problem. He has no clue.
Answer to question is to raise more money, but Clough did not allow DB to do his job. He wanted Tom O'Brien and Hill nerds turned him down. Clough is who we go after.
So we would be gracious hosts and offer more seats to our visiting teams and their fans apparently.
GTg8r, you may very well be right about O'Brien but my point is that is the man Dave wanted. If we need to adjust our courses to help us recruit against ugag I am all for it.
Originally posted by texstinger:
Answer to question is to raise more money, but Clough did not allow DB to do his job. He wanted Tom O'Brien and Hill nerds turned him down. Clough is who we go after.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">You're kidding right!!!
Beyond football Wayne Clough is one of the better caretakers of the Institute. He has intelligently pulled us out of the abyss that was Pat Crecine.

Tom O'Brien wouldn't have won here any more than he has at BC. Plus, his mindset was so utterly negative. He didn't want the job because he thought he couldn't win with our academic restrictions. Talk about starting on the wrong foot. Good Lord!!

The problem is BOB, we have not been utterly dominant on offense since the 1st half of the Peach Bowl.

CG's biggest problem is giving BOB too much free reign and not tutoring him.
CG's problem is not being able to handle the leadership role and give insight to his coaches.. he's complained too much already about all the work involved in being a 'college' coach vs. NFL. My God, didn't he know he had to work for his paycheck? College coaching is and has always been more hands-on then NFL. But my feeling is, even if he had been hands-on we would have reached the same results!