Will GTAA commemorate 100 year anniversary in 2016??

Yes. The Mercer game, throwback khaki unis, fireworks (actually a Roman candle) and they will kick our ass.

Immediately after, the biggest complaint will be that the 13 member Mercer band played too loudly

I like the word "wremains" in the web link. The dumbass Paschall can't spell.
Not GTAA or even football at Georgia Tech. 1916 was not Heisman's first year. It is 100 years from beating a disbanded team. Big deal.
1917 is the year to honor. First National Championship for any team south of the Mason Dixon. Likely the first victory over the Yankees since the battle of Palminto Ranch.
That would be something to honor, not a beat down of a nonexistent team who intended to cheat.
George Allen, who later became an adviser to several U.S. presidents, had been a student manager with Cumberland's baseball and football programs and was charged with assembling a team. He compiled a roster of 19 players, including himself, but three of them were lost in Nashville when a train trip with an intent to borrow Vanderbilt players before heading to Atlanta came up empty.

"One of Allen's more brilliant plays was when he attempted a punt," Cumberland player B.F. Paty told Reader's Digest in its October 1955 issue. "It was a good, hard kick, but the ball hit our own center squarely in the back of the neck and bowled him over."

It's not much different than if GT played a frat's intramural tag football team today. The final score would be very similar.
"Heisman even offered Cumberland a $500 guarantee and paid for travel expenses." At least Heisman paid them to get their asses kicked...
"Heisman even offered Cumberland a $500 guarantee and paid for travel expenses." At least Heisman paid them to get their asses kicked...
Paying to kick an ass is quite common. Although the cost has gone up a bit in the ensuing 100 years:
fbscedules.com said:
Per a copy of the contract, Georgia Tech will pay Mercer a $300,000 guarantee for the game.

Now all that needs to happen is the proper ass getting kicked.
"Heisman even offered Cumberland a $500 guarantee and paid for travel expenses." At least Heisman paid them to get their asses kicked...
Grounds for the death penalty by today's NCAA standards.
George Allen, who later became an adviser to several U.S. presidents, had been a student manager with Cumberland's baseball and football programs and was charged with assembling a team. He compiled a roster of 19 players, including himself, but three of them were lost in Nashville when a train trip with an intent to borrow Vanderbilt players before heading to Atlanta came up empty.

"One of Allen's more brilliant plays was when he attempted a punt," Cumberland player B.F. Paty told Reader's Digest in its October 1955 issue. "It was a good, hard kick, but the ball hit our own center squarely in the back of the neck and bowled him over."

It's not much different than if GT played a frat's intramural tag football team today. The final score would be very similar.

Not quite. Cumberland had fielded a team the year prior and they were at the time somewhat athletically competitive.

It was a relatively new sport at the time so it's hard to compare, but even the worst team you could assemble today, lots of teams still couldn't score 222 points.
I still say next year is the one to be honored and we need to make sure that every team in the south knows that the first National Championship in the south belonged to GT.
Russell best do good throwbacks for this.:)
you think Russell could duplicate this...