With this hire, does it change your season ticket plans?


Jul 19, 2004
We had the thread a few days ago about ticket plans. Now that we have this cemented, does this hire do anything to change your season ticket plans? Specifically, are you going to now buy tickets for the first time, upgrade your seats, downgrade, not buy at all, etc. Only talking specifically about the hire.

I was planning on possibly upgrading mine anyways, and this hire does not change that...
No need for more seats, me and the lady only have 2 asses... though I could probably use another half a seat...

So no new tickets, and probably wont upgrade my seats since I'm with a bunch of friends and we have a pretty sweet sport, but I will up my AT donation.
Will be renewing, (which was somewhat in doubt had CG stayed another year)

Hope to upgrade!

I'll get them when I graduate...course, that might be never, but hey, its GT!

AE Class of 20??
We were keeping our 4 no matter what and were thinking of upgrading a bit and this only makes me more likely to upgrade.