Yet another word on Ugag


Jolly Good Fellow
Nov 6, 2003
I finally got online this morning to read all of the posts and re-posts about the game Saturday night. Many of the threads ultimately lead to the same things being said, both positively and negatively. I guess I couldn't decide which threads to post in, so I just started yet another one...hope no one minds.

I agree with what most of you have said about the guys fighting their hearts out. We can be proud of them for that, and for the fact that they were in the game up until the very end. That's not all that was positive, but it sums much of it up.

The negative, IMHO, has also been said several times. I think the reasons for the loss came down to two major ones:
1) we shot ourselves in the foot time and time again, taking ourselves out of scoring position and giving the dogs better field position than they could earn on their own. Many of those penalties came down to poor coaching - either on the sidelines, or in not building the disciplines into the players in practice.
2)our QB, though at times exhibiting competence, is really just an average (at best), and perhaps below-average, major college least, relative to the competition we have to face week in and week out. By the fourth quarter, I think we can be thankful that GA did not go for it every time they faced a fourth down instead of punting. After all, even if they didn't make it, there was a great chance they'd get it back as soon as we went 3-and-out.

In both cases, my non-expert OPINION is that coaching is ultimately the problem, and the answer. Talent, preparation, execution, and doing the right thing at the right time is all up to the coaching staff.

Now that all that's off my chest, I can't wait for the bowl game. I think we're gonna kill someone.