"You have to get rid of all of the excuses."

This is the kind of thinking that led the Hawks to scrap the best defensive team in the history of the NBA and turn into cellar dwellers.

CPJ's hardest fight at Tech is getting the Hill to quit tying one hand behind our backs. That's not a fight within the AA, it's a fight with the institution itself, and one he can't win by simply firing people. I for one think he's making headway on this fight, albeit slow headway, and I'm glad we have him here to make that fight properly.

If we'da hired Muschamp, for instance, he would have gone one year, bitched up a storm about The Hill, and then left, with the program in shambles. Most other prospective coaches we could hire would do the same thing. CPJ is higher class than that, and he enjoys the additional challenges it takes to coach here. We're lucky we have him.

I have no idea, and if the answer is yes that does not mean you are wrong, but did you ever utter the words "We're lucky we have him" in regards to cbl, the fraud GO'L, ccg?
And at Navy the problems were all interior to the AA. They were within his direct reach to fix. At GT some of the problems are exterior, and take effort beyond his reach to fix. He has to get buy in from administrators to fix it. And in part, the Board of Regents, which is stacked against us.

Can you be specific as how the BoR is "stacked against us"? # of GT grads on board (more on it than I would have ever guessed before looking) Won't let us add different majors? I talk with a member and was told that the individual school has to take the first steps towards that issue. Maybe the HillNerds need to be taught a lesson?

More insight please.
VT has better players than we do.

Everyone in the ACC almost, has better players than we do.

The reason we can't get better players is well documented. Academic restrictions and limited majors. And now, we're discovering, our major impediment is lack of an alumni payola program like the big schools have.

CPJ is fighting with the hill over the academic restrictions and limited majors. He is having some success, but not as much as many of us would like.

Do you contend he should fight harder? Do you propose someone else that you think would have won this fight by now? Do you think GT should start our own payola program?

What about our recruiting staff / coaches not being able to keep committments or recruiting others as good after defections. Obvious those players were qualified or they would not have been offered & committed.
Can you be specific as how the BoR is "stacked against us"? # of GT grads on board (more on it than I would have ever guessed before looking) Won't let us add different majors? I talk with a member and was told that the individual school has to take the first steps towards that issue. Maybe the HillNerds need to be taught a lesson?

More insight please.

IMO, this is one of the most unproven "excuses" or "obstacles."

Yes, the BOR is mostly UGA grads, but I don't really know (and kinda doubt) if those academic types really care enough about football as to purposefully deny Georgia Tech when it wants to add a program.

That said, there are 18 members on the BOR. 11 of them have some type of degree from UGA. 2 from GT, 2 from Southern, 1 from State, and 2 from colleges out of State.

I just don't think we really know what GT has tried and the BOR has blocked, if anything.
Basically PJ is saying dont be a bunch of chickenshits. Man up, he is, and enjoy the monster he is building.
I have no idea, and if the answer is yes that does not mean you are wrong, but did you ever utter the words "We're lucky we have him" in regards to cbl, the fraud GO'L, ccg?

GOL maybe. Fridge at OC definitely. My aversion to firing CCG was mainly that we'd never be able to hire a CPJ to replace him. In terms of the qualities GT needs in a coach, no coach in the country nails it better than CPJ except perhaps Spurrier.
Yes, the BOR is mostly UGA grads, but I don't really know (and kinda doubt) if those academic types really care enough about football as to purposefully deny Georgia Tech when it wants to add a program.

They've done it before, and they added Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering to UGA specifically so they could chase recruits who might want to come to Tech. The addition of those two programs was political, and was football related. That is straight from tenured profs at GT.
They've done it before, and they added Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering to UGA specifically so they could chase recruits who might want to come to Tech. The addition of those two programs was political, and was football related. That is straight from tenured profs at GT.

The "engineering" addition at UGAg is the only thing I can really think of where this is possible.

But in my opinion, it is meaningless as it relates to football. Even our football players don't want to major in engineering, much less UGAg's football players. Just watch... give it 3 years of their "engineering" program being open and there will be zero contributing members of their football team in it.

I honestly believe their "engineering" program is to try and keep in-state kids from going to Auburn.

The Chair of the Regents, a Tech alumnus, said this (emphasis mine):

Regents Chairman Willis Potts, an engineer and Tech graduate, supports UGA’s proposal.

“Will the two be competing?” Potts asked. “Well, there’s competition for students everywhere. We need choices for students who want to study engineering but don’t want to go to Tech. I don’t see them targeting the same students.
I haven't said anything remotely similar to this. I know we don't offer a lot of the programs that Stanford or whomever people like to compare us to.

I'm saying that PJ is not using that as an excuse and neither should anybody else. We have a great business program. We have a great pre-med path. We have a great pre-law path. You can be a teacher with a degree in anything.

There's a crap ton of bs ed classes you have to take in addition to a GT degree if you want to teach. Classes not offered at GT, not to mention student teaching. I know, I did it. It'd be a whole, whole lot easier if GT had a certification program.

I sure did like having all those girls in my classes at Ga State, though.
Who here actually thinks we should add programs for the expressed purpose of being more attractive to football recruits?
Who here actually thinks we should add programs for the expressed purpose of being more attractive to football recruits?


I don't think we should add crip majors that take no effort, but I definitely think we could/should add programs that high school football players would be more interested in taking than Management.
GT's 'excuses' aren't excuses. They are self-imposed handicaps. Chalking our mediocrity up to 'excuses' is like entering a Jetta in Formula I races and then saying that you keep getting lapped because of excuses.

a jetta will never win in Formula 1.

Given the right man, GT has demonstrated the ability to win a MNC.

when people jump up to say why 1990 is different than 2013, I hear nothing but excuses. The same kind that were tossed around in the '70's and 80's actually. and they are stale. and have been repeated so much that they have become part of our culture. If you tell yourself something often enough you will begin to believe it.

Sadly, this has happened at GT. and it's part of why we don't fill the stadium...we portray a culture of not wanting to be the best and are content to sit around and tell other's why we can't. how does that sell to the general public?
a jetta will never win in Formula 1.

Given the right man, GT has demonstrated the ability to win a MNC.

when people jump up to say why 1990 is different than 2013, I hear nothing but excuses. The same kind that were tossed around in the '70's and 80's actually. and they are stale. and have been repeated so much that they have become part of our culture. If you tell yourself something often enough you will begin to believe it.

Sadly, this has happened at GT. and it's part of why we don't fill the stadium...we portray a culture of not wanting to be the best and are content to sit around and tell other's why we can't. how does that sell to the general public?
Aka... Being a bunch of vaginas
Who here actually thinks we should add programs for the expressed purpose of being more attractive to football recruits?

Not I. I love how you can go up to any kid on campus, ask them what he's majoring in, and get electrical/mechanical/chemical/materials/etc, no suffix needed. I don't want nancy majors added so we can appeal to dumbass girls and football players and become a generic university. Specialization is cool and is worth not having n extra half win per year.
Oh, I don't know. Yeah, I guess it's cool going up to a bunch of sausages and saying, "Yeah, I'm mechanical", or "I'm civil man!". But öööö, so what if we have a few majors that attract more normal people? I guess having a Red Jesus and a guy riding a unicycle is cool too. As a by-product we might get more attractive co-eds and a few more stud football players. Will that make our engineering programs more ööööty?
IMO, this is one of the most unproven "excuses" or "obstacles."

Yes, the BOR is mostly UGA grads, but I don't really know (and kinda doubt) if those academic types really care enough about football as to purposefully deny Georgia Tech when it wants to add a program.

That said, there are 18 members on the BOR. 11 of them have some type of degree from UGA. 2 from GT, 2 from Southern, 1 from State, and 2 from colleges out of State.

I just don't think we really know what GT has tried and the BOR has blocked, if anything.

Link to BOR Members:


GT Alums: Dean Alford and Ben Tarbutton.

UGAG's very own "Fat Baastard": Richard Tucker.

LINK: http://atlantaunfiltered.com/2009/03/23/bank-sues-regents-chairman-tucker-over-fraudulent-land-deal/

LINK: http://www.gwinnettforum.com/docs/09.0317.ethics_complaint.pdf

Fellow UGAG-SOB Gov. Sonny Perdue re-appionted this d-bag....after he was sued for bank fraud.

And UGAG super d-bag: Don Leebern.

This....from the UGAG's very own RED & BLACK:

And CPJ has never made any excuses, unless you count the occasional "It's not like anybody before me was raking in top 10 classes, either."

This is a really good point and stands in stark contrast to the PR under Gailey and Braine.
Well one thing is for sure.....if we lose or play badly we can turn out the excuses faster than the gov prints dollar bills...our culture is fine we just need to win football games and play good fundamental football.
Not I. I love how you can go up to any kid on campus, ask them what he's majoring in, and get electrical/mechanical/chemical/materials/etc, no suffix needed. I don't want nancy majors added so we can appeal to dumbass girls and football players and become a generic university. Specialization is cool and is worth not having n extra half win per year.

I went to Tech for MGT because it was a top 10 public school with top 10 programs for both of my specializations, but I suppose I'm just a lazy nancy that rode coach on the m train and that dilutes the image of a real Tech man. I didn't even make 80k by the time I was 25.

When was the last time you went on campus and asked some kids what they were majoring in? The college of engineering only makes up about 60% of our graduates now, and every program Tech has expanded into it performs exceptionally at. Get out of the 1950s. Women are allowed to vote and go to school now, we've successfully integrated every college outside of Mississippi, Tech consistently performs well in non-engineering programs, we have one of the most recognized and respected brands across a variety of industries.

Edit: member since last month? Who has this guy in the pool?

I don't think we should add crip majors that take no effort, but I definitely think we could/should add programs that high school football players would be more interested in taking than Management.

I agree, but I don't think it should be for the expressed purpose of attracting athletes. It should be for the sake of broadening the scope in general and everything that entails.