Coffee is for Closers Paul!


Mediocre Poster
Jul 24, 2002
This class is the worst class since 2002 and that's saying something. There are 5 kids in this class who can make a difference in the depth chart.

I like PJ but if he can't sell his system, he's going to lose his job. We had 18 ships to give and we came up short AGAIN. We lost 4 players to other schools in less than a week before signing day. We flipped a kid from UAB as a consolation prize.

It isn't hard to sell GT. How hard is it to sell Urban ATL life with hip hop culture a The ATL night life with surrounding colleges like Morehouse, Ga State, Spelman, Morris Brown, etc over rural öööööö Ole Miss? How ööööing hard is it? Holy öööö I could do this its that easy. We don't have a closer in this whole öööö staff!

We have a bunch of fat baggage assistants who have zero Ability to sell this school, this program, this culture. Why? It isn't ööööing hard.

Roof and Pelton were upgrades one year late. They are a start as far as improving our recruiting. But Sewak sucks my asshole and Walkosky, McCollum, and Bohannen better get their öööö together. Assistants have two key jobs and these losers do both poorly.

I have supported PJ since day one, but this piss ass poor trend in recruiting will be his undoing. There ain't no spinning this. This effort was pure öööö.
Well, agreed. I think he might could turn the corner by changing the offense somewhat, but it is probably too late.
The kid from UAB has heart.

Just sayin'.
So you're saying fire Johnson and promote Roof?
Money talks and bullshit walks - if you want to improve recruiting, I suggest you break out that roll and start buying some Caddys ...
Disappointing class for sure, but I think we can survive this one if 2014 is better. The 2012 class was not actually that bad. We got 3 potentially good DL players (Kallon, Gamble, Gotsis), a potential gamebreaking QB (Thomas), and some good secondary/WR players (Autry, Griffin, White, etc).
Morris Brown

Man, Mo B hasn't been a real school in like forever. Agree with your premise though.

Other than that, I agree this year wasn't what we needed. With Roof and Pelton on staff now I'm confident for 2014 for which we'll have more spots open. Presumanbly they won't be so scared to offer kids.

Plus the state of GA is supposed to be particularly stacked in 2014. We can't help but land some difference makers ... right?
Also disappointing that Roof and Pelton didn't steal us anybody. At least Groh brought us Attaochu.
Money talks and bullshit walks - if you want to improve recruiting, I suggest you break out that roll and start buying some Caddys ...


Spoken like someone who accepts defeat before they even try. Maybe if you put a little effort into your career instead of your 15 post a day post count, you might actually be worth a öööö hiring as a recruiter for GT. I'll use your sorry as öööö ass as the type of people building crutches for this öööö effort coaching staff. The rest of us can recognize crap effort when we see it.

Paul could be great. But he keeps way too much dead weight on this staff and it shows in recruiting every year.
It isn't hard to sell GT. How hard is it to sell Urban ATL life with hip hop culture a The ATL night life with surrounding colleges like Morehouse, Ga State, Spelman, Morris Brown, etc over rural öööööö Ole Miss? How ööööing hard is it? Holy öööö I could do this its that easy. We don't have a closer in this whole öööö staff!

i would actually say it is harder to sell tech. i mean ole miss has WOMEN, parties, a great campus, and easy academics (like most of the sec). hell if i was a top college athlete, tech wouldnt even be a thought. unfortunately my playing days are over and i have to focus on an education. its a lot harder to sell tech these days than you think. these kids are looking to play in the league, not looking to work at microsoft or some business firm. and you think these kids are gonna want to go out to party in atlanta? or go find girls at spelman or state? that seems like a lot of work when you could be having the time of you life in a college town like oxford or even athens where the girls and parties are right at your feet.

Spoken like someone who accepts defeat before they even try. Maybe if you put a little effort into your career instead of your 15 post a day post count, you might actually be worth a öööö hiring as a recruiter for GT. I'll use your sorry as öööö ass as the type of people building crutches for this öööö effort coaching staff. The rest of us can recognize crap effort when we see it.

Paul could be great. But he keeps way too much dead weight on this staff and it shows in recruiting every year.

Spoken like a guy who spent the season in a duck blind.

Settle down, Francis
While I don't think this class was nearly as bad as most do, it's still gotta be a lot better. We have a lot of schollies to offer in 2014, so this has GOT to be the year to turn things around.
i would actually say it is harder to sell tech. i mean ole miss has WOMEN, parties, a great campus, and easy academics (like most of the sec). hell if i was a top college athlete, tech wouldnt even be a thought. unfortunately my playing days are over and i have to focus on an education. its a lot harder to sell tech these days than you think. these kids are looking to play in the league, not looking to work at microsoft or some business firm. and you think these kids are gonna want to go out to party in atlanta? or go find girls at spelman or state? that seems like a lot of work when you could be having the time of you life in a college town like oxford or even athens where the girls and parties are right at your feet.

If I'm a black kid in the south, Atlanta is a whole lot more attractive than Oxford Mississippi.

At least if we can't sell that, then we suck, and apparently we suck because we don't even understand the fundamental advantages of our school, and that's the God öööö problem!

Spoken like someone who accepts defeat before they even try. Maybe if you put a little effort into your career instead of your 15 post a day post count, you might actually be worth a öööö hiring as a recruiter for GT. I'll use your sorry as öööö ass as the type of people building crutches for this öööö effort coaching staff. The rest of us can recognize crap effort when we see it.

Paul could be great. But he keeps way too much dead weight on this staff and it shows in recruiting every year.

your post is a pretty crap effortl, mr craptastic
The more I see the more I'm convinced that Paul Johnson is going to leave this program in worse shape than he found it.
If I'm a black kid in the south, Atlanta is a whole lot more attractive than Oxford Mississippi.

At least if we can't sell that, then we suck, and apparently we suck because we don't even understand the fundamental advantages of our school, and that's the God öööö problem!

Apparently you have missed the past decade or so (I wouldn't doubt it) where playing in the SEC has become a bigger draw than playing in Atlanta. Which is why, yes, to many kids in the south playing in Oxford is better than playing in Atlanta.