UGA fans are so classless

we can get a billboard for 30 days for only $650?

convene the council. next year could be epic.
The removed comment was a guy asking why I didn't link to the original Dwag Sports post. He deleted it like a minute later, once he realized there is a link to it in my last note after the picture.
The removed comment was a guy asking why I didn't link to the original Dwag Sports post. He deleted it like a minute later, once he realized there is a link to it in my last note after the picture.

You removed the post before I could read it. Did they send you death threats or something?

Here is the cached version for those who didn't see it. Good article. My only edit would have been to mention that they can't have a son because their sister doesn't want to procreate with them.
Aaron Murray Injured. Georgia Fans Respond Predictably.

Aaron Murray left Saturday night's game between the Georgia Bulldogs and the Kentucky Wildcats with a knee injury in the 1st Half. Georgia message board patrons quickly began commenting on the situation... which wasn't particularly surprising because the public library closes at 8:30 so they had to post quickly before they were without internet access for the rest of the week.

A few minutes ago I decided to cruise by a Georgia site to read said commentary. Why would I subject myself to this you ask? I already knew what it would look like. Call it a masochistic curiosity. These are the same people who laugh about egging the house of their star quarterback after a loss, but I wasn't sure anyone with a soul could cheer the end to a football player's career. But Dwags never disappoint. You can count on them for two things: Losing spelling bees and being mean on the internet. To wit:

From Dawg Rant (I'll save you from patronizing their cesspool of a site) and Twitter:

frick that dude, I hope his family members are all paralyzed in a freak thanksgiving accident
- Crispy UGA
Total douche bag
- NCDawg
His frontal lobe is obviously defective...I'm not joking...he may be a few neural synapses away from murdering his own mother...sick POS
Good riddance Aaron Murray...not gunna be missed
- @wilborn22

No one should get so butthurt over college football that they get excited when another human being tears up his leg. Is college football your reason for living? If so, you might want to consider cheering for another team before you fling yourself into oncoming cow stampedes down Broad Street. Your team isn't a national title threat and hasn't been for over 30 years. You are always part of the conversation. Everyone always says "Georgia is going to be a top five team this year," and every year they fail to live up to the massive hype. Everyone talks about you as a contender during media days and then are left wondering why they fall for the trap every single year. No one worries about you showing up on their schedule. No one gives your program a second thought once Clemson and Auburn ran all over you literally using high school offenses. ESPN always hypes you up every year, knowing that the ensuing collapse will be great for ratings. I get that Georgia Tech hasn't won National Championships either... but at least people respect us as an Institution.

Also, other than setting nearly every passing record in the SEC, what has Aaron Murray ever done to any of you scumbags? Did he not bench himself as you were calling for him to be replaced repeatedly over the past four years? Cause that's what it sounds like. You know what? I hate Aaron Murray. Stone cold hate his freaking guts. Mostly because he is very good at playing quarterback and seems to be a decent enough guy while doing it. Never in my life did I wish Aaron Murray got hurt. Never in my life did I ever call for him to be benched or egg his house. I wanted him to lose, sure. I even wanted him to fail in the NFL. But instead he tore his ACL, and I feel sorry for him. And I certainly wouldn't have gone all "internet tough guy" and talked trash about it. I can almost understand a feeling of relief (since all of you who have wanted Murray benched for the past four years will finally see that come to fruition), but when you get all hot and bothered because a college kid hurt his knee, you just come off as desperate and pathetic... which is fitting, I suppose.

I would tell you to imagine Aaron Murray was your son... but I know that'll be difficult for many of you since it would be weird for you to have egged your own son's house. You should be ashamed of yourselves. If your parents raised you properly, they would be ashamed of you. And if people who actually work and study at the University of Georgia read your drivel, I'm quite certain they'll be ashamed of you and that they are in any way associated with the low-grade brand of human beings who claim to represent their decent state school.

Now quit reading this and get back to work. I'll take a chicken sandwich and a Coke.

The removed comment was a guy asking why I didn't link to the original Dwag Sports post. He deleted it like a minute later, once he realized there is a link to it in my last note after the picture.

Why'd you delete the entire post?
Too many threats from Georgia fans over a satirical post I wrote in ten minutes with an intended audience of like a dozen Tech fans.

Wasn't really any benefit of leaving it up. Got the point across and realized they care about this rivalry a lot more than they claim to.
Too many threats from Georgia fans over a satirical post I wrote in ten minutes with an intended audience of like a dozen Tech fans.

Wasn't really any benefit of leaving it up. Got the point across and realized they care about this rivalry a lot more than they claim to.

What kind of threats? Post some screenshots.
Too many threats from Georgia fans over a satirical post I wrote in ten minutes with an intended audience of like a dozen Tech fans.

So what, were they threatening to send message you more threatening posts? I dont see what else they could threaten you with?
I actually liked this alot. Guess it went over their heads. Probably because they spend alot of time on their knees, blowing Larry Munson's bloated corpse.
The issue was none of them realized it was a joke. Yet they loved the article the UGA fan wrote on Dawg Sports.