How much play do we even get this weekend?


Definitely not a RedBull AI-generated content bot
Feb 25, 2003
Dear Mr. Football,

Please bring back that kicking-ass CPJ and our mighty rushing game and our invincible QB JT5.

We really like this acronym and it would look silly of us to use it if JT5 turns out to be less than a super-hero.

and would throwbacks be too much to ask for?

thank you for your guidance and favorable judgement, unlike those crappy refs that keep really pissing me off.

how's a guy gonna impress the ladies and get some decent play when we lose the game? for realz!

Go Jackets!!!
Dear Mr. Football,

Please bring back that kicking-ass CPJ and our mighty rushing game and our invincible QB JT5.

We really like this acronym and it would look silly of us to use it if JT5 turns out to be less than a super-hero.

and would throwbacks be too much to ask for?

thank you for your guidance and favorable judgement, unlike those crappy refs that keep really pissing me off.

how's a guy gonna impress the ladies and get some decent play when we lose the game? for realz!

Go Jackets!!!

who's this mr football you're worshipping?? This is a Church of Dodd. You better not be bringing any false football gods into Dodd's house.

Where's jacketfan??