Technique - 2015 Hate Week Edition

I think Stingtalk probably could have put a better edition out there. Of course, the edition is probably funny to the little snowflakes that made it.
terrible. absolutely terrible. weaker than thirsty thursday drinks at the metroplex.
Horrible...Why did they have to put a disclaimer? Is this generation really that stupid?
It's been corny as öööö since at least the mid '00s (first time I read one as a student). Don't know what kind of comedic gold you all were expecting. I thought the main purpose was always just to give everyone a "To Hell With Georgia" sign.

I still appreciate that it's a thing, even if it is a bit meh.
Horrible...Why did they have to put a disclaimer? Is this generation really that stupid?

oh noes! trigger words. safe space! safe space!

these young snowflake pansies don't know how to hate right. maybe their mom can show them. hell, they think Ant-Man is about Bruce Jenner.
They should have separated out the real ads. Some of these are more embarrassing to Tech than the humor is to u(sic)ga.
Horrible...Why did they have to put a disclaimer? Is this generation really that stupid?

They always put a disclaimer. When was the last time you read the hate week technique?
Every year, guess I just always miss it. Usually drunk on game day when I read it. Perhaps that is the difference...drunk helps everything.

Still don' see a need for it.
Every year, guess I just always miss it. Usually drunk on game day when I read it. Perhaps that is the difference...drunk helps everything.

Still don' see a need for it.
We don't want someone to misunderstand and then bring it up in a presidential campaign thirty years later.

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We don't want someone to misunderstand and then bring it up in a presidential campaign thirty years later.

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Mr. Burdell, did you say 'Marc Richt is a nutless monkey in November 2015?"

No, Mr. Blitzer. I said Marc Richt could be replaced by a nutless monkey.
The joke isn't lame, guys, use your big nerd brains for just a minute. Uga is so inbred he can't use his own junk. Somebody has to lather him up, mount him, and provide the motion of the ocean for his legitimate bitches. He also can't use a öööö website. If he's got bitches on the side, that means some UGA fan went onto a website to have affairs and registered a dog, probably thinking "why not? I have always wanted to hook up with a dog while my wife isn't looking. Isn't that normal? Should be plenty o dogs on this here webby site." and then probably ended up paying for months of erotic conversations with one of their famous chat bots, having ultimately failed in their actual goal as they so obviously do in all of their other endeavors.

It's ööööing hilarious.