ST tailgate UGA

You guys failed miserably in every way. Did you even bother to hit someone in the head with a football?
You guys failed miserably in every way. Did you even bother to hit someone in the head with a football?
Huh? Tailgates, two of them, were awesome. Too bad we lost the game, but the tailgates were great.

In fact, post-game tailgate has been going well too. Probably helped by the sad look on uga fans' after they realized they have to keep St. Richt.
Huh? Tailgates, two of them, were awesome. Too bad we lost the game, but the tailgates were great.

In fact, post-game tailgate has been going well too. Probably helped by the sad look on uga fans' after they realized they have to keep St. Richt.

Throw something at GTMom and you may have a point.
I had a football and GTMom in my field of vision at at the same time.

Also good to meet another stalwart of the RV lot, Buzzrock!
Thank you to everybody who made the tailgates happen this year. We went undefeated in the parking lot this year, that's for certain. Looking forward to sneaking into someone's suitcase for Dublin next fall.
Why would anyone be a big enough loser to waste a Friday night tailgating with y'all when there's so much more to do in Atlanta?

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Why would anyone be a big enough loser to waste a Friday night tailgating with y'all when there's so much more to do in Atlanta?

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I heard Waffle House was bangin last night.
Nice meeting you last night.

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Back at you man. I guess I should apologize for anything I may have said or done after the moon started getting passed around - my spirit left my body at that point and I've learned that my body is not to be trusted.
Back at you man. I guess I should apologize for anything I may have said or done after the moon started getting passed around - my spirit left my body at that point and I've learned that my body is not to be trusted.

Actually you were kind of in a fetal position by the time I go there and didn't say much.

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I had a football and GTMom in my field of vision at at the same time.

Also good to meet another stalwart of the RV lot, Buzzrock!

Likewise sir. You're so much older in person!

Climbing into my bunk in the RV in a few. Another good tailgating season comes to a close. If anyone is interested, a few of us Rvers are thinking about tailgating the Peach Bowl. Just because our team broke their streak doesn't mean we have to.
You guys failed miserably in every way. Did you even bother to hit someone in the head with a football?

I had a football and GTMom in my field of vision at at the same time.

He threatened, but he knew better.

It was good seeing everyone at the tailgate. Until next season, Go Jackets!

Good to see all of you, too and finally got to meet Corndog. Good thing he was there to keep BuzzCzar from hitting on Mrs. Corndog this time. TheJacket was in rough shape after the game. Until next season...Go Jackets!
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