OL Jordan Johnson decommits

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Doesn't really matter to me if the cop was a dick or the recruit was being an ass. If at all possible (per NCAA rules) GT should have someone with the recruits and their familys hanging around to make sure this thing never got wings in the first place. They all usually sit in one area I believe. It's silly there isn't one or two ppl hanging around to keep an eye out already.
I saw the whole thing happen. I sit in the Letterwinners club inside on the first row. The student section in the north stands is just below my seats. There were a number of people who were not students sitting in the row below. Two white Georgia Tech police officers came into that area and asked everyone who was not a student to leave the area. Everyone did except a black woman and two young black men (teenagers). Both of them were wearing recruit lanyards. One of them immediately moved his tag to his back where the officer could not see it. The officers approached and asked them to move. There were some ensuing verbal exchanges that I could not hear. All three seemed to be getting more and more hostile. The officers appeared to remain calm. The two recruits began leaving but the woman stayed. The recruits then returned. One officer asked for identification. One of the recruits got his ID out and held it in front of the officer. When the officer reached for it, he pulled it back and put his arm behind his back. There was a heated exchange between them and the officer grabbed the recruit's arm and tried to lead him away. The woman was having a fit. At that point a black officer approached and talked with the white officers who then left. The black officer talked for a while to the three people. He then led them out of the stands. The section for recruits is just across the aisle and all other recruits were sitting in that section. My thoughts were that the officers originally focused on no one. They simply asked all non-students to leave the section. Everyone else did. They only approached the recruits when they didn't move. They seemed to remain very calm in the face of escalating hostility. Things became a problem when the recruit decided to play hide and seek with his ID. The officer who interceded did the right thing to calm things down, otherwise the recruit would likely have been arrested. I saw nothing inappropriate on the officer's part no matter what race the recruits might have been. No one was profiled or singled out. The recruits singled themselves out by not doing what everyone else did when asked. They acted like entitled jerks and were solely responsible for what transpired. Personally, no matter how good they may be, I would not want to see that kind of person representing Georgia Tech whether black or white. Sorry for the length of this post, but I feel an eyewitness account was needed.


Kidding. Hall of fame first post, imo.
Thanks. I've been around for a long time but never posted. I was at GT from 69-73 and most of the stuff I know about teams those years should probably never be told. I could write a book about events leading up to and including the Peach Bowl against Ole Miss but some things, though quite hilarious now, should never be brought up
I don't see why they would be busting chops for sitting in the student section. It was practically empty at the kick, and only about half full at best during the game.

That's understandable since this is Thanksgiving Break.
Thanks. I've been around for a long time but never posted. I was at GT from 69-73 and most of the stuff I know about teams those years should probably never be told. I could write a book about events leading up to and including the Peach Bowl against Ole Miss but some things, though quite hilarious now, should never be brought up

Glad you decided to join the conversation, welcome. Look forward to hearing more from you, especially the sordid tales. ;)
Good stuff. Better to find out about a kid's immaturity before he eats up a scholly then quits/gets in trouble/kicked off team.
Thanks. I've been around for a long time but never posted. I was at GT from 69-73 and most of the stuff I know about teams those years should probably never be told. I could write a book about events leading up to and including the Peach Bowl against Ole Miss but some things, though quite hilarious now, should never be brought up

Of course, respecting the "what happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room" mantra.

Great first post. Please continue posting - I can't speak for everyone, but I am sure we all benefit from people who know what it's like on the inside.
They didn't bust his chops. There were several other people there and they asked them all to leave. They did, but not him. I suspect they were told to do it with all the concern about security. They've never done it before.
I don't see why they would be busting chops for sitting in the student section. It was practically empty at the kick, and only about half full at best during the game.

That's understandable since this is Thanksgiving Break.

Call me old-fashioned or even a bitch, but I subscribe to the belief that you should sit in the seats for which you have tickets. I hate having to shoehorn my ass into my seat, even when two or three of my season tickets aren't being used.
Doesn't really matter to me if the cop was a dick or the recruit was being an ass. If at all possible (per NCAA rules) GT should have someone with the recruits and their familys hanging around to make sure this thing never got wings in the first place. They all usually sit in one area I believe. It's silly there isn't one or two ppl hanging around to keep an eye out already.

There are always escorts with the recruits. But this was a major recruiting weekend and most of the people who usually host the recruit (ie players) were on the field at the time.
Doesn't really matter to me if the cop was a dick or the recruit was being an ass. If at all possible (per NCAA rules) GT should have someone with the recruits and their familys hanging around to make sure this thing never got wings in the first place. They all usually sit in one area I believe. It's silly there isn't one or two ppl hanging around to keep an eye out already.

The recruits sit in 111 by us. There are a number of personnel sitting with them. But for a game like UGA, when every recruit for multiple sports wants to come, they can't all get their own personal babysitter. And they should not need one.

Glad we got rid of this kid before he signed his letter.
I will say this about the Peach Bowl. The team was allowed to vote on accepting the invitation until they voted to turn it down. It was accepted anyway and things got weird. You can lead a horse to water....
They acted like entitled jerks and were solely responsible for what transpired. Personally, no matter how good they may be, I would not want to see that kind of person representing Georgia Tech whether black or white. Sorry for the length of this post, but I feel an eyewitness account was needed.

Well kids that age will act immature sometimes. Doesn't necessarily mean they are no good are not meant to be at GT. Hopefully, later he'll realize he was being a jerk and learn from it.
There are always escorts with the recruits. But this was a major recruiting weekend and most of the people who usually host the recruit (ie players) were on the field at the time.

Yeah, I mean if a recruit decides he wants to sneak away from the group and the people who are hosting him and go off somewhere he's not supposed to be, there's not really much you can do about that unless we want to start using electrifiable lanyards that we can activate when a kid goes somewhere he shouldn't.

Could be worth trying on our OL when they miss a block.
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