GT v. Colorado home and home announced

What does Colorado's hashtag #just10moreyears mean? Is that a reference to the delay between announcement and game time? Or something else?
Why do they announce these games so far in advance? Over half of them never even up being played
Preceded by a flag game consisting of players from 90 team.

20 minutes between quarters for naps. 3 hour halftime Just in case not enough crash carts to go around.
Weed will probably be legal nationally by the time these games are played.
Colorado will probably be part of West Canarockia by then and play some weird rules football, like 3 or 5 downs or something
2025? Great. By then if I am still alive, I will be 83. Until then I get to watch us play 3 cupcakes a year.
That will be a good series! Colorado coach Mike McIntyre will turn them around and it wont surprise me if Colorado goes bowling in 2016 or 2017.