Rule Changes: Explained

More blocking below the waist gray areas. Need more clarification on targeting... Gotsis didn't know he was joining the ballet.
Can't wait to see that tripping penalty enforced when a ball carrier and a defender get tangled up.

Star defender about to tackle you? Go ahead and slide. If he happens to make contact with your helmet, add 15 yards to your run and watch him walk to the locker room.


Virginia Tech screwed us on a helmet to helmet.
So much butthurt in this thread. Why is it the opposing team and players' faults when the refs make a call you don't like?
Virginia Tech screwed us on a helmet to helmet.

For some reason I remember that one being more legit than the ND one.

Of course, pretty much every hit in football has helmet to helmet contact so by rule pretty much any of the calls is technically correct. It's a pretty dumb rule.
2008 game in Blacksburg IIRC. Also remember Nesbitt overthrowing a wide-open Roddy on what would've been an easy TD. That game was unbelievably frustrating on all fronts.

Yeah and I think we had a late hit oob or some other personal foul a few plays before the helmet to helmet too.